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Innovation in a traditional (but sacred) category like BBQing has viral appeal

Implications - Barbecuing meals combines a hobby with a necessity; it comes socialization and enjoying the outdoors. It’s one of the rare forms of cooking to appeals to men; preparing the most masculine of foods (steak) while playing with dangerous goods (flames, sharp spears) and gadgets, raises the appeal.
Trend Themes
1. Portable Bbqs - Providing compact and portable BBQs for the urban dwellers who have limited space to enjoy outdoor cooking is a growing trend.
2. Eco-friendly Barbque - Businesses that can provide a wide range of environmentally friendly lifestyle products can appeal to a wide range of society's eco-conscious consumers who are inclined towards alternative energy and less pollution.
3. Unique BBQ Designs - Consumer novelty is driving an increase in demand for unique and modern designs of BBQs for outdoor and indoor cooking.
Industry Implications
1. Outdoor Recreation Industry - Consumers who love outdoor activities such as camping and hiking are driving the growth of portable and lightweight BBQs for easy outdoor cooking.
2. Home and Gardening Industry - Homeowners are eager to invest in attractive and unique outdoor designs of BBQs that can liven up their patio and make their outdoor space feel stadium-like.
3. Eco-friendly Products Industry - Revealing offerings of eco-friendly BBQs that are made of sustainable materials, solar grills and hybrid grills are attractive for eco-conscious consumers who are looking for alternative energy powered grillings.
11 Featured
121,786 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Aug 06 — Nov 07
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Retro Color Block Barbeques
Retro Color Block Barbeques
The Memphis Two Burner BBQ Adds Some Color to Your Patio
The Memphis Two Burner BBQ is a retro designed BBQ that looks more like a 1960s beer fridge than a BBQ. The BBQ is available in red, cream, blue and pink (yes, a pink BBQ). Memphis also manufactures… MORE
BBQs as Art
BBQs as Art
Recycle Your Old Car Into A BBQ
Instead of taking your heap to the junk yard to rot, why not test out your artistic skills and turn it into a BBQ? One auto-enthusiast from Australia, turned his Classic Holden Monero GTS into just that. MORE
Table Grill by Eva Solo
Table Grill by Eva Solo
If you don't have room for a BBQ (or your hip condo won't allow it), the table grill is for you. It's portable and stylish. Price = $260 "the table grill by eva solo. a smaller version of the popular… MORE
Alternative Energy Barbecue
Alternative Energy Barbecue
The Solar Grill
Gone are the days of singed eyebrows and unintentionally blackened meals. The Solar Grill cooks your grub with, as you guessed, the sun's energy. This New Age BBQ has a flexible mirror, which focuses… MORE
Portable BBQs
Portable BBQs
The BBQ Briefcase
The Carry and Go BBQ makes summer life super easy! Take your BBQ with you - it all folds down into a handy briefcase-sized carrier and you're on your way! And the cooking area is ample enough to allow… MORE
Balcony BBQ
Balcony BBQ
If you are looking for a way to turn your little balcony into something grand, you need a balcony BBQ. Called 'Bruce the Barbecue', this little device is sure to be a Londoner's dream. The griller can… MORE
play_circle_filledSizzling Barbichopper
Sizzling Barbichopper
Chopper with Barbecue Pit Sidecar
This has to be the hottest thing on the road! New York City BBQ restaurant, RUB, commissioned Orange County Chopper to build this Barbecue Pit Chopper to promote the opening of their new restaurant in… MORE
MP3 BBQ Grill
MP3 BBQ Grill
Is Convergence Becoming Ridiculous?
Whenever you host a BBQ party, the grilling job always is the boring task. That's why Memphis created the Memphis Barbecue Grill where everyone would be bouncing n' jiving, rockin n' rollin while grilling.… MORE
Tin Bags with Window Open Up New BBQ Possibilities
Don't you agree that the worst aspect of cooking is the washing up afterwards? Would you like a gadget to make your life a bit easier? The Qbag is a revolutionary new product that allows you to cook recipes… MORE
Artistic BBQs
Artistic BBQs
Burn Your Burger in Style
Are you a BBQ-addict? Always drooling over the latest model and hankering over the latest features? Then check out the ultra curvaceous Kalamazoo Gas Gourmet Grill. You'll get your injection of cool at… MORE
Circle Kabobs
Circle Kabobs
Curved BBQ Skewers
Curve up your kabobs with these circle-designed BBQ skewers. The skewers will only set you back $18 and, who describes, "This shapely kabob set runs circles around the average, stick-straight… MORE
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