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Offbeat Beverages

Unconventionally flavored drinks provide alternative tastes for experimentation

Implications - Consumers are constantly on the lookout for unique experiences. Indulging in offbeat flavors not only revives the senses to give a sense of novelty, but in addition, gives people a story to talk about as well as a way to stand out. As such, sodas are no longer limited to classic cola flavors; they now include black licorice, cucumber, wine and “perspiration." Other sodas offer functionality such as metabolic increases and self-cooling.
Trend Themes
1. Unconventional Soda Flavors - Consumers are interested in trying new and unique flavors beyond the traditional cola, creating opportunities for businesses to offer unconventional sodas that provide a sense of novelty and can be used as conversation starters.
2. Functional and Health Benefits of Beverages - Consumers are looking for more than just a refreshing beverage, and are drawn to offerings that boast functional benefits, such as calorie-burning or metabolic enhancement, providing exciting innovation opportunities for businesses in the health drink sector.
3. Hyper-targeted Limited Edition Offerings - Marketing limited edition offerings based on niche interests, like an NFL team or a popular video game, creates a sense of exclusivity and makes the product more appealing to those who identify with the targeted group.
Industry Implications
1. Beverages - This industry should focus on developing unique and unconventional flavors along with marketing drinks with functional benefits that cater to consumer interests in staying healthy.
2. Limited Edition Collectibles - This industry should consider offering unique collectibles that cater to specific interests and fandoms in order to drive excitement and exclusivity around the products.
3. Gourmet Food and Drink - This industry should focus on offering unique and innovative ingredients to create specialty beverages, particularly with focus on natural and sustainable ingredients and production processes.
8 Featured
61,880 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 06 — Nov 07
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Calorie-Burning Sodas
Calorie-Burning Sodas
The Enviga Soft Drink Will Cut Out The Gym Factor
Enviga is a breakthrough calorie burning soft drink that lives by the slogan, "Be Positive. Drink Negative." It's being promoted by Coca Cola, so you're going to hear a lot about it starting early in… MORE
Video Game Fuel
Video Game Fuel
Mountain Dew to Release Special Soda for Halo 3
According to AdAge, Pepsi Inc has plans to launch a caffeine-laced version of Mountain Dew as a "game fuel" and in sync with the August release of Halo 3, the new title for XBox 360. Associating a product… MORE
Ice Cucumber Soda
Ice Cucumber Soda
Pepsi's Veggie Pop Gets Big in Japan
In a few weeks Pepsi sold out of 4.8 million bottles of the beverage, then rather than cranking out more they killed production. It seems that fad flavors are the norm in Japan and Pepsi had already gotten… MORE
Eco Energy Drink
Eco Energy Drink
Steaz Energy Soda
Everyone is so worried about ‘going green’ these days. What about those worried about just going, relying on their heavily caffeinated concoctions of frappa-whatevers and grande-whatnots? In the growing… MORE
Computer Geek Sodas
Computer Geek Sodas
Microsoft Takes Over the Carbonated Drink Sector
Microsoft is not in enough businesses, so they have decided to move into soda. The new Microsoft soda isn't available in stores, but you could lock down one of these drinks if you get a chance to visit… MORE
Football-Flavored Soda
Football-Flavored Soda
NFL Inpires Jones
Just in time for the NFL season, Jones Soda Co. has released their limited edition football-inspired flavours including Dirt Soda, Sports Cream Soda, Perspiration Soda, Natural Field Turf Soda and Sweet… MORE
Beer Milk Hybrids
Beer Milk Hybrids
Bilk Is An Odd Drink Blend
A brewery in Hokkaido, Japan recently released a low-malt beer using milk. The idea came from the son of a liquor store who is in the dairy farm industry. After having a problem of discarding milk, he… MORE
Carbonated Wine Drinks
Carbonated Wine Drinks
Vignette Wine Country Soda Sweetened wth Juice of Wine Grapes
The 2006 crush marked the launch of Vignette Wine Country Soda, a soft drink that offers a totally new way to experience California Wine Country. Vignette is a fresh concept in gourmet beverages: an… MORE
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