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Subterranean Living

Lower costs and weather protection make underground homes attractive options

Implications - House hunters are now faced with a tough dilemma. In the midst of the heightening vertical urban landscape is an opposite architectural development: underground living. Burrow-like in nature, these subterranean abodes are more energy efficient, easier to maintain and provide protection from unfavorable weather conditions. Earth-integrated shelter may be just the thing to appeal to eco-conscious yet contemporary-minded consumers.
Trend Themes
1. Subterranean Housing - The trend towards subterranean housing continues, appealing to eco-conscious consumers as well as those seeking weather protection and lower costs.
2. Integration with Natural Environments - Designs that blend in seamlessly with the natural environment have been a growing trend in underground living, offering promising opportunities for architecture and design firms to innovate in this area.
3. Luxury Underground Bunkers - The increasing anxiety about climate change and disaster scenarios has created a market for luxurious underground bunkers, offering a disruptive opportunity for property developers to tap into this need for security and safety.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Design - The trend towards subterranean living opens up opportunities for architecture and design companies to innovate in this area, creating structures that blend in with the natural environment and appeal to eco-conscious consumers.
2. Real Estate - As the trend towards subterranean housing grows, real estate firms have the opportunity to invest in this emerging market and offer more alternative options for housing.
3. Emergency Preparedness - The trend towards luxury underground bunkers presents opportunities for property developers to tap into the growing need for security and safety in an increasingly uncertain world.
10 Featured, 69 Examples:
3,430,117 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 10 — Oct 10
V. Hot
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Undercover Homes
Undercover Homes
The Urrezkoenea House by Pena Ganchegui & Associates is Underground
Located in northern Spain near the small town of Getaria is the 'Urrezkoenea House' by Peña Ganchegui & Associates. The house overlooks a spectacular view of the ocean and is hidden underneath the cover… MORE
Underground Homes
Underground Homes
The Triangular Concrete House 2 by A-cero Architects is Hidden
The Concrete House 2 by A-cero Architects resemble a bunch of blocks side by side from a distance, but rest assured that inside these blocks lies a wondrous home. Part of the home is covered in grass,… MORE
Hole-in-the-Ground Architecture
Hole-in-the-Ground Architecture
Underground House in Seoul by Byoung Cho
At ground level, there isn't much to see of this underground house in Seoul. That's because the beautiful design of this home is completely submerged. On the surface, it's a slab of concrete and a hole.… MORE
Hobbit Hideaways
Hobbit Hideaways
This Swiss Cluster of Houses Belongs in 'The Lord of the Rings'
This eco-friendly Swiss cluster of houses is quite the statement. The houses look like they belong in 'The Lord of the Rings,' what with their mounds of greenery and hidden appearance. The underground… MORE
Hobbit Hole Livestock Lodgings
Hobbit Hole Livestock Lodgings
Now the 'Hobbiton' Shire is Home to Sheep
On the Alexander Family Farm, the set for the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy 'Hobbiton' village was built, but now the Shire is actually home to sheep. The little hobbit hole abodes have been stripped of… MORE
Domestic Pit Mines
Domestic Pit Mines
Matthew Fromboluti's 'Above Below' Turns an Old Mine into Eco-Housing
The offer to live in a mine isn't very attractive -- unless that mine happens to be 'Above Below' from Matthew Fromboluti. 'Above Below' is a concept that combines sustainable living and working quarters… MORE
Mini Hobbit Homes
Mini Hobbit Homes
Maddie Chamber's Miniature Wonder from the Shire
Maddie Chamber’s mini Hobbit Home is an amazing work of art. This master miniature artist has created a realistic replica of the famed Hobbit House from the epic book series ‘The Lord of the Rings.’ The… MORE
Rabbit Hole Hostels
Rabbit Hole Hostels
Matteo Thun Designs Eco-Friendly Underground Hotel
Matteo Thun has designed an innovative, eco-friendly underground hotel. It has been dubbed 'Bella Vista' and will be comprised of 11 individual homes, which will be built into a hillside in Italy. All… MORE
Luxurious Bomb Shelters
Luxurious Bomb Shelters
High Living in the Underground Complex of Barstow Bunker
In California, an underground complex called the Barstow Bunker built to survive a nuclear war is being renovated by Robert Vicino. Turning it from the 1960's structure into a more luxurious resort,… MORE
Eco-Hobbit Homes
Eco-Hobbit Homes
'Stay Grounded' Offers Green Living and Privacy
I would gladly hike up a hill everyday if it meant that I was going home to 'Stay Grounded.' 'Stay Grounded' is a concept home from Materica Studio that was built into a hill to provide private, eco-friendly… MORE

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