Radio programs are adapted into modern consumption platforms
Trend - Radio services, once threatened by the emergence of streaming platforms, are being adopted into new platforms in a way that expresses how industries can evolve outside of the competition that comes with modernized consumption habits.
Insight - Today’s consumer streams content in all forms—whether it’s music, podcasts, television, or gaming. The vast and compiled pieces of content that streaming services offer are most convenient and cost-effective for consumers. Thus, for brands in more traditional entertainment industries to keep up with these changed preferences, they have to align themselves with the same benefits.
Insight - Today’s consumer streams content in all forms—whether it’s music, podcasts, television, or gaming. The vast and compiled pieces of content that streaming services offer are most convenient and cost-effective for consumers. Thus, for brands in more traditional entertainment industries to keep up with these changed preferences, they have to align themselves with the same benefits.
Workshop Question - How could your brand better compete with emerging rituals within its area of expertise?
Trend Themes
1. Adaptation of Traditional Radio Into Modern Platforms - With the emergence of streaming services, industries such as the radio have begun adapting to new platforms to keep up with changed consumer content preferences.
2. Collaborative Ventures in Broadcasting - Companies in the broadcasting industry are collaborating with other industries to introduce novel listening experiences that offer customers more personalized services.
3. Minimalistic Radio-inspired Streaming Interface - Streaming companies have introduced simple and minimalist UI design that simulates radio listening experience to cater to the preferences of the consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Audio Streaming - Industries that focus on audio streaming can find new opportunities by incorporating non-music content such as news snippets, interviews, and other exclusive content to attract listeners.
2. Broadcasting - Collaborations with other industries in broadcasting may offer businesses a significant competitive edge by creating innovative and personalized experiences based on users' preferences.
3. UI Design - Incorporating minimalistic, user-friendly, and personalized UI designs may open up novel opportunities to incorporate user-preferences and enhance UX in various streaming services.
5 Featured, 42 Examples:
40,752 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 18 — Jun 19
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