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Cross-Category Matchmaking

Digital assistants & apps help create matches in areas beyond romance

Trend - Matchmaking apps and assistants are perpetuating areas beyond just romance and dating to offer guidance in various consumer categories. Offering assistance in areas like food consumption, travel and even entertainment, these branded matchmaking apps bring together likeminded individuals with personalized services.

Insight - In a digitized world, consumers often make connections with others via social platforms. In this over-saturated market, they're turning to brands to provide personalized services that target their specific interests. With a plethora of options in connecting with people virtually, consumers are opting for simple tools that provide hyper-personalized services directed towards their needs.
Workshop Question - How can you better assist or guide your consumers through the product experience?
Trend Themes
1. Branded Matchmaking Apps - Brands are offering assistance in various consumer categories with matchmaking apps that bring together likeminded individuals with personalized services. Opportunity: Brands can create more branded matchmaking apps in specific categories to offer personalized services for consumers.
2. Hyper-personalized Services - Consumers are opting for simple tools that provide hyper-personalized services directed towards their needs. Opportunity: Businesses can create tools that provide hyper-personalized services that target specific interests for consumers.
3. Integrated Online Dating Coaches - Matchmaking apps are integrating online dating coaches to assist users in navigating the modern dating world. Opportunity: Other dating apps can integrate human dating coaches to assist users in making better connections.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Domino's launched a 'Dom Juan' bot on Tinder that provided pizza-themed pickup lines. Opportunity: Food and Beverage companies can collaborate with matchmaking apps to offer personalized services or targeted experiences for consumers.
2. Education - Cleftune is a platform that provides music teachers a streamlined platform for listing their private instruction. Opportunity: Educational institutions can create matchmaking apps for instructors and students for personalized services directed towards their needs.
3. Travel - The 'Kolu' app aims to help travelers find the best person to show them around. Opportunity: Matchmaking apps can create more travel guides for consumers and bring together likeminded individuals for personalized guides or tours.
4 Featured, 35 Examples:
62,795 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 18 — Jun 19
Consumer Insight Topics:

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