Low-dose beverages target adults seeking a social high
Trend - Increasingly, brands are releasing socially-oriented products that allow new cannabis users to experiment with precise, low-dose edibles that help to prevent over-use. This speaks to the desire that many adults have to experience the active ingredient in socially-friendly ways.
Insight - As the North American cannabis industry expands, unfamiliar consumers are seeking ways to comfortably experiment with the active ingredient. This demographic is looking for brands to introduce cannabis into their lives in a controlled way. This allows them to experience a light social high without the fear of over-indulging.
Insight - As the North American cannabis industry expands, unfamiliar consumers are seeking ways to comfortably experiment with the active ingredient. This demographic is looking for brands to introduce cannabis into their lives in a controlled way. This allows them to experience a light social high without the fear of over-indulging.
Workshop Question - What kind of hesitation might exist around the use of your product? Is there a way to reformat your offering to remove barriers?
Trend Themes
1. Low-dose Cannabis Edibles - Increased demand for controlled, socially-oriented cannabis use drives the development of low-dose edibles for inexperienced users.
2. Alcohol-free Cannabis Beverages - Strict cannabis and alcohol laws lead to the creation of non-alcoholic cannabis beverages, such as fruit sodas and wines.
3. All-natural Cannabis Drinks - Consumers opt for all-natural, low- and no-alcohol social tonics as an alternative to traditional alcoholic drinks.
Industry Implications
1. Cannabis Industry - Low-dose, non-alcoholic, and all-natural cannabis products present new opportunities for expanding the cannabis market to unfamiliar consumers.
2. Beverage Industry - The development of cannabis-infused drinks offers a new segment for the beverage industry to capitalize on growing consumer preferences.
3. Wellness Industry - Alcohol-free, low-dose cannabis beverages and edibles position themselves as a healthier, wellness-oriented alternative to traditional alcoholic options.