Beer brands adopt kid-inspired takes on alcoholic products for satirical appeal
Implications - In contrast to how adult beverages are typically marketed, beer labels are adopting childlike aesthetics. Playful takes on alcoholic drinks serve a consumer desire for satirical branding that reinterprets typical approaches to services and merchandise. This alternative approach helps brands stand out in highly saturated and competitive markets.
Trend Themes
1. Childlike Aesthetics - Alcoholic beverage labels are adopting a childlike aesthetic to serve a consumer desire for satirical branding that reinterprets typical approaches to services and merchandise, providing a disruptive opportunity to create new products that appeal to the nostalgia of customers.
2. Mixing Concepts and Brands - By combining two disparate concepts to create a new product, companies can leverage the emotional connection their target market has with both, and create new markets for their products. The success of cereal-inspired beers and Disney-themed beer labels provides opportunities for firms to create similarly unique products.
3. Creative Packaging - Creative packaging solutions can improve customer convenience and increase the perceived value of the product. Ball Packaging Europe's ISS system, which adds a built-in straw to a can, provides a disruptive opportunity to grab a drink and go, without fretting about finding a straw or throwing it out separately afterwards.
Industry Implications
1. Alcohol - The alcoholic beverage industry can leverage childlike aesthetics and packaging innovations for creative marketing opportunities that stand out in highly saturated and competitive markets.
2. Packaging - Innovative packaging solutions, such as built-in straws in cans, can improve convenience for consumers and differentiate the product from its competitors. There are opportunities for packaging companies to develop similar solutions.
3. Marketing - Mixing concepts and brands can create unique and engaging marketing campaigns that leverage the emotional connection of their target market. There are opportunities for marketers to explore unique concepts while creating effective marketing campaigns.