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Connected Protection

Consumers turn to mobile apps for protection against harmful elements

Implications - As consumers seek a more convenient method of maintaining health, mobile apps are emerging that help detect and monitor concerns over issues like skincare. Speaking to concerns over UV rays and cancer, brands are offering apps that help screen and analyze potential harms. The use of such applications reflects a shift toward more connected forms of health.
Workshop Question - How can you grant your customer a sense of control over a specific part of their lives?
Trend Themes
1. Connected Health Apps - As consumers seek convenient methods of maintaining health, mobile apps are emerging that help detect and monitor health issues.
2. Smartphone Accessories - Mobile accessories are being developed that turn smartphones into specialized tools like thermal cameras.
3. Crowdsourcing for Cancer Research - New mobile applications are allowing users to donate their unused smartphone data, providing researchers with additional computing power.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Connected health apps are likely to become more prevalent and offer new opportunities for healthcare professionals to monitor patients remotely.
2. Mobile Technology - Smartphone accessories and apps aligned towards healthcare open up avenues for the mobile technology industry to explore.
3. Scientific Research - New crowdsourcing apps offer potential for scientific research to gain additional computing power at an accessible rate.
6 Featured, 51 Examples:
198,008 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jun 14 — Nov 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

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Melanoma-Detection Devices
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