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Youthful Sustenance

Food concepts include age-defying features for the health and beauty conscious

Implications - Food products and concepts are concentrating on edible age-defying properties that combat the look and feel of growing older. By putting beauty and health at the fore of culinary ventures, this movement is also focusing on the interests of boomers who aim to combat aging from the inside out.
Workshop Question - How will boomers' approach to aging affect your industry? What can you do today to prepare for their influence?
Trend Themes
1. Edible Beauty - Food concepts are concentrating on edible age-defying properties that combat the look and feel of growing older.
2. Functional Food - Consumers are seeking foods that are not just sustenance but improve functions of the body, such as boosting collagen production, improving digestion and rejuvenating properties.
3. Superfood Desserts - Consumers are transitioning their favorite nostalgic desserts into healthier and simpler alternatives, using superfood ingredients that mimic the flavor and consistency of their predecessors, but are better for the body.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Companies can develop new products and concepts that cater to the health and beauty conscious, promoting anti-aging properties and functional benefits.
2. Supplements - The growing demand for all-natural and organic collagen supplements indicates an untapped market for producers of health and beauty products.
3. Cosmetics - Companies can blur the line between food and beauty products by incorporating functional ingredients, such as superfoods, collagen, and antioxidants into all-natural cosmetics that cater to the growing health and beauty market.
5 Featured, 44 Examples:
74,582 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 15 — Sep 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

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