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Payment Progression

More independence via mobile and automated payments

Implications - Credit card payments are bringing increased independence to consumers as monetary transactions become more automated. Digital shopping has evolved from PayPal to mobile phone apps that allow even more flexibility for impulse shoppers. Personal credit card readers may not be far from becoming mainstream.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Payments - As consumers grow more comfortable with automated monetary transactions, mobile payment methods are becoming more popular.
2. Personalized Shopping - Advancements in touchscreens and AI technologies are enabling personalized recommendations without the need for pushy sales associates.
3. Biometric Authentication - Technology that allows for secure, contactless payment methods, such as using fingerprints or vein scans, is on the rise.
Industry Implications
1. Financial Services - The rise of mobile and automated payment methods presents an opportunity for financial services companies to offer innovative solutions for their customers.
2. Retail - Advancements in technology, such as personalized touchscreens, offer retailers opportunities to improve their customers' experiences and streamline sales processes.
3. Technology - The development and adoption of biometric authentication technologies presents an opportunity for tech companies to innovate for security and convenience purposes.
6 Featured, 35 Examples:
481,326 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 09 — Oct 09
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

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RFIDs for VIPs
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Spain's Baja Beach Club Implants Its A-Listers With Bar Codes
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