Using entertainment to revive and preserve product value
Implications - The meat industry has shown that using creativity can offset detrimental press and scrutiny. By transforming the way a product is packaged and used, a commodity losing consumer appeal due to changes in a consumer value, such as health, can be revived by flirting with another value, such as entertainment.
Trend Themes
1. Food Entertainment - Using entertainment to revive and preserve product value through creative packaging and unique spin on traditional food.
2. Customized Design and Experience - Customization of traditionally generic products that attract customers with a fashion and design sensation.
3. Educational Food - Using literal images of food to familiarize consumers with their origins.
Industry Implications
1. Food - Develop products that offer entertainment value and create a unique and customized experience.
2. Design - Customize products for a fashion and design-inclined market.
3. Education - Develop and promote products with educational values, especially as it relates to food origin.