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Nostalgic Communication

Snail mail homages echo a desire for more sentiment

Implications - In a world where "reply-all" and auto-responses have become the norm, authentic personal communication is becoming more rare, thus taking on a new level of value. Snail mail homages integrated in designs -- even if they have nothing to do with actual letters -- are a reminder of the sentiment letters used to convey.
Trend Themes
1. Nostalgic Communication - There is a growing interest in authentic personal communication in a world where auto-responses have become the norm, thus taking on a new level of value.
2. Sustainable Accessories - There is a growing interest in creating sustainable accessories reusing old postcards, stamps, and magazines to create unique jewelry pieces.
3. Social Media Icons - Designers are creating stamp icons for popular social media sites, suggesting how companies can integrate social media into every day objects.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - The incorporation of nostalgic communication into fashion products emphasizes the appeal of novelty items, which continue to grow as customers become more interested in customized and inventive items that integrate imaginative designs into everyday objects.
2. Technology Industry - The development of products that can easily transport technology, such as laptop bags and sleeves can attract a vast range of customers who value both functionality and fashion.
3. Marketing Industry - Social media stamps highlight how companies can creatively use every day objects to promote their brand by integrating recognizable imagery and public figures in their designs, reaching buyers who traditionally may not have been interested in the company.
8 Featured, 50 Examples:
1,434,125 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 09 — Oct 09
Consumer Insight Topics:

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Postal Eco-Accessories
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Vintage Mail Laptop Bags
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$93,800 Stamps
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Snail Mail Styles
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Stamp Maps
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