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Flickr as News

Web photographers replacing pro photojournalists

Implications - Instead of hiring staff photographers, several leading newspapers and magazines are turning to photo sharing sites like Flickr to obtain their images. Flickr members are the new photojournalists as news and entertainment sources are turning to people who are already there to shoot their photos.
Trend Themes
1. Crowdsourced Photography - Companies are turning to the photo sharing platform, Flickr, and sourcing images directly from its members rather than professional photographers to both save money and offer a wider range of images.
2. User-generated Content for Marketing - Flickr is being tapped by companies like Urban Outfitters to create user-generated content for marketing purposes and offer free advertising as well as learn more about their customers.
3. Web 2.0 Astronomy - Recreational astronomy and photography have been taken to the next level through platforms like Flickr, where people can share images, offer instructions and inspire others.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Professional photographers are being replaced by amateur photographers sharing images on Flickr, leading to lower costs and wider range of images for media organizations and companies to use.
2. Marketing - Brands and companies like Urban Outfitters can use user-generated content on Flickr for marketing purposes, offering free advertising and valuable market research.
3. Astronomy - Web 2.0 has taken recreational astronomy to the next level through platforms like Flickr, where users can easily share images, offer instructions and inspire others to participate in this hobby.
10 Featured
83,754 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 08 — Aug 08

Featured Examples

play_circle_filledNorthern Lights Timelapse + Flickr Photos
Northern Lights Timelapse + Flickr Photos
The Northern Lights are one of the most amazing natural phenomenons. Even though NASA just released a scientific explanation for aurora borealis to try to strip us of awe, there's no denying they truly… MORE
Flickr as News
Flickr as News
Best Photos of Euro 2008, Spain vs Germany Finale
The best photographs of the Europe 2008 soccer championships, which came to an end today after Spain defeated Germany 1-0, were not taken by professional sports photographers, but by members of the global… MORE
Trend Hunting on Flickr
Trend Hunting on Flickr
Trendspotters Photo Pool
Live trend hunting is one of my favourite past times, which is why I love the Trendspotters group of Flickr. Members collaborate to share photographs of some of the neatest discoveries they madke in real… MORE
Fire Photography on Flickr
Fire Photography on Flickr
California Wildfires Coverage
The California wildfires are tragic, yet are dramatic sights to see. While you probably don't want to see them live, Flickr offers a huge database of images taken by the people who are in the middle of… MORE
Fan Photos on Flickr
Fan Photos on Flickr
Tour de France 2008
The 2008 Tour de France is on now and fans have been diligently digital camera crazy, snapping away to capture the best moments from the side lines. By posting the photographs on Flickr, they show their… MORE
Savvy Flickr Use for Marketing
Savvy Flickr Use for Marketing
Urban Outfitters Flickr Pool
Urban Outfitters is making use of the Yahoo-owned photo sharing website, Flickr in an attempt to encourage brand interaction. The Urban Outfitters Flickr Pool lets the public upload photos of anything… MORE
Amazing July 4 Fireworks
Amazing July 4 Fireworks
Independence Day on Flickr
If you're not going to be in the US this week, you can still capture the Independence Day best by looking at Fourth of July fireworks on Flickr. The photo sharing site is sure to play host to thousands… MORE
Flickr Astronomy
Flickr Astronomy
Perseid Meteor Shower
The annual Perseid Meteor shower is upon us, triggering the rise of Flickr Astronomy. Basically, web 2.0 has taken recreational astronomy (and photography) to the next level by providing a medium where… MORE
Disassembled Household Appliances
Disassembled Household Appliances
Brittny Badger Flickr Set
This creative collection of photographs is actually images of intentionally placed bits and pieces of dismantled home appliances. The ordinary parts have become imaginative photographs by Hartford Art… MORE
play_circle_filledGlobal Landing Videos
Global Landing Videos
Flights on Flickr
If you're like me, you plaster your face against the airplane window whenever you're getting close to landing in your destination city. A Flickr Video pool devoted to the moment of decent was created and… MORE
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