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Ageless Inspiration

Admiration of seniors who prove age is no limit

Implications - Western culture is dealing with conflicting views on aging: on the one hand, there is ageism, but increasingly, age is being seen as an inspirational attribute rather than a limitation. From 82 year old dance competitors to grannies on YouTube, seniors everywhere are proving that age is no limit.
Trend Themes
1. Active Aging - The trend towards active aging promotes health and sports activities even among elderly people.
2. Seniors in Fashion - Fashion designers are including seniors in their campaigns, attributing beauty to models' age and wrinkles instead of concealing them.
3. Seniors on Social Media - Seniors are embracing social media platforms to engage with younger generations and to expand their audiences.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - Fashion industry professionals can leverage the trend of including seniors in campaigns to appeal to audiences of all ages.
2. Healthcare Industry - Healthcare industry professionals can leverage the trend towards active aging to provide services and products to seniors looking to maintain their health and wellbeing.
3. Digital Marketing Industry - Digital marketers can leverage the trend of seniors on social media to target and engage with this demographic through tailored content and social media campaigns.
9 Featured
114,901 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Aug 07 — Aug 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Sexy Celebrity Stomach Surveys
Sexy Celebrity Stomach Surveys
Senior Helen Mirren is #3
Helen Mirren, the British actress and Academy Award winner, is the new poster girl, er, senior, for sexiest celebrity stomach according to an Antibloat poll. Mirren placed third in the line up of six… MORE
Seniors on the Catwalk
Seniors on the Catwalk
Yohji Yamamoto's Paris Runway
This seems to be the season of unlikely runway models. Recently, Vivienne Westwood caused an uproar when she sent out beefy, tough-looking Roma gypsies on the Milan catwalks to model her 2009 menswear.… MORE
Seniors on the Catwalk (Again)
Seniors on the Catwalk (Again)
Ann Demeulemeester Spring 2009
Casting senior citizen models to walk the runway is indeed becoming a trend. Anne Demeulemeester is the third designer, after Etro and Yohji Yamamoto to have used elders to model her collection. The… MORE
Seniors in Fashion Ads
Seniors in Fashion Ads
Lauren Hutton, 65, for Mango
Old is definitely in! In the world of the pretty young things, some fashion revolutionaries have managed to cry out, "Old is in!" And, indeed it is. Previously, we've seen grandpas strut their stuff… MORE
play_circle_filledSeniors On YouTube
Seniors On YouTube
Jewish Grandma's "Feed Me Bubbe" Podcast
Senior citizens are taking making their presence felt and posting videos. Take this Jewish grandma who decided that even young people might be interested in what she has to offer….Maybe some chicken… MORE
play_circle_filledSenior Cyber Celeb
Senior Cyber Celeb
95 Year Old Blogger Has 60,000+ Readers
Maria Amelia Lopez became a hit with web surfers at the age of 95, thanks to her grandson who gave her a blog for her birthday! With 60,000 regular readers so far, Lopez's homely mix of memory and chat,… MORE
play_circle_filledSeniors on Facebook
Seniors on Facebook
Comedy Sketch On Granny Poking
Teenagers are horrified when their parents want to be their friends on Facebook. The social networking site is for the under 30 crowd.. or perhaps not? As Facebook matures, the demographics of its users… MORE
Active Aging
Active Aging
Fencing and Sword Fighting Seniors in Australia
You have to give credit where credit is due. At Melbourne, Australia’s Catholic Homes Corpus Christi, active seniors have found fencing to be a hobby that will keep them sharp both mentally and physically. … MORE
play_circle_filledMovie Reviews By Seniors on YouTube
Movie Reviews By Seniors on YouTube
Reel Geezers
What happens when you ask two former movie critics, now in their senior years, to review modern films like Superbad? You get Reel Geezers, as seen in the video below. Together, the male and female duo… MORE
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