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Ego Chic

The inclination toward narcissism, particularly among Generation Z

Implications - Online broadcast tools like YouTube and social sites such as MySpace make garnering personal publicity easier than ever. Taking it to extremes are “I love Me” innovations like cufflinks with your face on them and “personal paparazzi.”
Trend Themes
1. Personal Branding - The trend of people wanting to express their unique identity through custom-made products and services presents an opportunity to offer more personalized and tailored experiences to consumers.
2. Self-expression - The growing desire for self-expression through various forms of media gives businesses an opportunity to create platforms or tools that allow customers to share their creativity or individuality easily.
3. Customer Experience - The focus on creating a unique and memorable experience for customers, whether through customized products or personalized services, allows businesses to differentiate themselves from competitors and increase customer loyalty.
Industry Implications
1. Personalization Industry - There is a growing market for personalized products and services, from custom fashion items to personalized paparazzi services, and businesses can capitalize on this trend by creating unique and tailored experiences for customers.
2. Self-expression Industry - Industries such as photography, fashion, and entertainment can benefit from the growing trend of customers wanting to express themselves through various mediums, by creating platforms or opportunities that allow customers to showcase their creativity and individuality.
3. Customer Experience Industry - Businesses that focus on providing a unique and memorable experience for customers, such as personalized shopping or customized services, can differentiate themselves from competitors and increase customer loyalty and satisfaction.
12 Featured
124,396 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 08 — Aug 08
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Featured Examples

You as Medieval Art
You as Medieval Art
Old-Fashioned Portraits by Eyeworks
The middle ages have had a strong influence on fashion lately, with a lot of collection bearing medieval themes. However, the movement has gone beyond the catwalk and into the home. You can now have a… MORE
You As A Pop Up Greeting
You As A Pop Up Greeting
Stand-Up Doll Contact Cards
Emerson Taymor wanted a unique and creative contact card to promote himself, so he came up with this fun card where a cut-out of himself pops up and forms a stand-up doll. For maximum effect, Taymor used… MORE
Narcissistic Fashion Photo Shoots
Narcissistic Fashion Photo Shoots
Photograph Yourself at Topshop
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Personal Paparazzi
Personal Paparazzi
Hire Your Own Stalker with MethodIzaz
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Hire Your Own Paparazzi II
Hire Your Own Paparazzi II
Celeb 4 A Day
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Cyber Makeovers
Cyber Makeovers
Make Yourself Hot With The Click of A Mouse
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Social Networking Contact Cards
Social Networking Contact Cards
Custom Profile Cards
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Portrait Cufflinks Feature You
Here's another item we can file under the "Narcissist Trends Collection." These custom cuff links actual feature a replica of you, or whoever the image is of that you submit. Send your photo in to Eleven… MORE
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Customers as Stars
Customers as Stars
Puma Window Projections
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play_circle_filledBuy Your Own Political TV Ad
Buy Your Own Political TV Ad
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