Ultra exlusive luxury air travel
Implications - Air travel used to be reserved exclusively for the elite, and it looks as if it may be turning that way again. With the manufacture of ultra luxury airplanes, the prices of airline tickets can now reach thousands of dollars. Customers pay for the status and exclusivity it gives them.
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Air Travel - Manufacture of ultra-luxury airplanes and interior designs for private jets by fashion brands have resulted in sky-high ticket prices and increased comfort for high net worth individuals.
2. Innovative Airplane Interiors - From BMW-designed interiors to individual privacy chambers, airplane interior design has received a luxury upgrade resulting in improved customer experiences.
3. Personalized In-flight Services - Airlines are incorporating extravagant amenities such as in-flight showers, fully lay-down beds, gourmet meals served with luxurious wine, and an individual personal entertainment system offering an ultra-luxury flying experience to elite travelers.
Industry Implications
1. Aerospace - The aerospace industry will continue to innovate to meet the demands of high net worth individuals who expect luxury amenities and design upgrades during air travel.
2. Luxury Goods - Luxury fashion brands entering the industry by designing airplane interiors and offering customized designs for private jets to fulfill the need for comfort and luxury for high net worth customers.
3. Hospitality and Tourism - High-end travelers looking for an extravagant flying experience have an effect on the hospitality and tourism industries, as airlines like Emirates offer innovative amenities such as showers above the clouds, fine dining, and lay-down beds.