A world of people are choosing to invest their time in Second Life over real
Description - Second Life, owned by Linden Labs, is a user-generated, interactive 3D world which inhabited by millions of global internet users. The game allows users to use an avatar they create to socialize with other avatars, purchase services, products and real estate with Second Life currencies.
Implications - Hundreds of international companies have used the Second Life platform for marketing, from putting up virtual billboards, to sending out virtual street teams, launching guerilla marketing campaigns and even setting up virtual versions of their real life stores. Real-life companies marketing to Second Life avatars can not only build brand awareness, but create a real following by interacting directly with consumers, and targeting specific markets based on interest.
Implications - Hundreds of international companies have used the Second Life platform for marketing, from putting up virtual billboards, to sending out virtual street teams, launching guerilla marketing campaigns and even setting up virtual versions of their real life stores. Real-life companies marketing to Second Life avatars can not only build brand awareness, but create a real following by interacting directly with consumers, and targeting specific markets based on interest.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual World Marketing - Virtual marketing creates a brand presence in the online world, and is an advertising opportunity that shouldn't be ignored by businesses.
2. Digital Avatar Brand Ambassadors - Fashion designers making their virtual debut set a trend in creating brand ambassadors, and opens up new opportunities to connect with consumers in a new realm.
3. Online Relationships - As urban-dwellers become increasingly busy, they find less and less time for social interaction. This creates opportunities for businesses to provide entertainment, relaxation, and some form of social interaction online.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing - The rise of virtual marketing creates a huge advertising niche, ripe for tapping into.
2. Fashion - Virtual fashion designers provide another outlet for promoting clothing lines, offer a unique shopping experience and access to a new audience.
3. Entertainment - Online relationships and virtual companions for entertainment purposes provide an avenue for businesses to connect with consumers and fulfill consumers' needs for relaxation and social interaction.
7 Featured
43,036 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Aug 07 — Dec 07
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