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World News Consumer Insights

Adjacent Airline
Airline brands turn to unconventional promos that emphasize value
Implications - As brands across industries move to focus on creating innovative promotional campaigns that captivate consumer attention amid an increasingly cluttered marketing climate, several airlines are launching features and campaigns that contribute to a brand's storytelling efforts while also drawing attention to new services designed with contemporary consumer values in mind. An efficient means of reinforcing brand values in a memorable and highly shareable way, this shift highlights the covert marketing tactics that are necessary when appealing to discerning consumers weary of being marketed to.
Workshop Question - If you were to launch a cross industry campaign, which industry would you collaborate with?
Airplane Rooftop Farms
Airplane Rooftop Farms
'JetBlue' Now Grows the Blue Potatoes That it Uses for Its Chips at JFK
JetBlue Airlines is adding to its rooftop dog walk terrace and performance stage by taking an interest in rooftop farms. At the John F. Kennedy airport in New York, Terminal 5 is turning into a very... MORE
Affordable Airline Grocery Marts
Affordable Airline Grocery Marts
The easyFoodstore in London is Sells All Groceries for 25p
With the pilot store now open in north west London, budget airline easyJet’s new retail concept is a grocery store with everything priced at 25p. The easyFoodstore boasts its inexpensive stock... MORE
Uplifting Blue Monday Campaigns
Uplifting Blue Monday Campaigns
The EasyJet Orange Monday Campaign Aimed to Elevate #BlueMonday
The EasyJet Orange Monday campaign is a clever promotion from the United Kingdom-based budget airline brand that aimed to uplift consumers on the so-called saddest day of the year. Taking place on... MORE
Airline-Branded Luxury Sneakers
Airline-Branded Luxury Sneakers
The Virgin America First Class Shoes Bring Luxury Flying to Feet
Virgin America’s first class seats on flights are luxurious, to say the least, and the company is showing that experience with the Virgin America First Class sneakers. The shoes, made as a... MORE
play_circle_filledAccompanied Layover Vacations
Accompanied Layover Vacations
This Promotion Allows Icelandair Passengers to Book a Personal Guide
A brand new promotion allows Icelandair passengers to book a personal tour guide to show them around the country. While Icelandair already offers a week-long stopover in the country for no extra... MORE
Progressive Prisons
Developments in incarceration help to enhance rehabilitation
Implications - Some argue that the punitive process involved in today's imprisonment often inhibits inmates' personal growth and rehabilitation, forcing them into an environment where they are treated poorly and receive inadequate guidance and treatment. To combat this, some prisons are introducing new processes and concepts -- whether it pertains to the prison's environment, disciplinary processes or new opportunities for inmates to learn and apply new skills -- to improve a prisoner's lifestyle and help them become members of society once again.
Rainbow Prison Corridors
Rainbow Prison Corridors
This Markus Linnenbrink Commission is Unconventional
Artist Markus Linnenbrink was recently commissioned to ply his trade at the Justiz Vollzugs Anstalt prison near Düsseldorf, Germany. Linnenbrink's radiant, dripping painting scheme is about the last thing… MORE
play_circle_filledDancing Inmate Musicals
Dancing Inmate Musicals
Prison Dancer is an Interactive Web Production Inspired by Cebu Convicts
Back in 2007, Filipino convicts won over the world with their viral dance videos and the Prison Dancer musical intends to take their fan base to a whole new level. Inspired by the Dancing Inmates of Cebu,… MORE
Mod Converted Prisons
Mod Converted Prisons
Cultural Civic Center by Exit Architects Transforms Jail into a Haven
EXIT Architects converted an old 19th century prison in Palencia, Spain, into a community haven called ‘Cultual Civic Center.’ A once dark and gloomy brick jail house is now a futuristic... MORE
Convict-Constructed Clothing
Convict-Constructed Clothing
Heavy Eco is a Line of Green Garments Designed by Prisoners
It seems that everyone is going green nowadays, even badass Eastern European criminals as seen in the Heavy Eco clothing line -- I bet you didn't see that coming. Heavy Eco is apparantely taking dead… MORE
Sleek Sci-Fi Prisons
Sleek Sci-Fi Prisons
The 499.summit Concept by Greg Knobloch and Andreas Tjeldflaat is Futuristic
The 499.summit concept is the work of design duo Greg Knobloch and Andreas Tjeldflaat. Made up of three intersecting towers, this conceptual proposal for a New Jersey prison is reminiscent of... MORE
Patriotic Comfort
Recession-fueled patriotism fueled partly by increased army recruits
Implications - In some countries, patriotism has increased significantly due to the recession; in the UK, army recruits went up 25% from 2008 to 2009. Despite globalization and the embrace of all cultures, patriotism is on the rise, and people are once again eager to flash pride for their countries.
Media attention has bred a fascination with nuclear innovations
Implications - Nuclear energy is an innovation that people the world over are both afraid of and intrigued by. With talk of the Middle East and Korea investing in nuclear power, and safety regulation upgrades in the US, thoughts of potentially destructive energies have generated a deep fascination with nuclear energy.
Riot Advertorials
Boycotts and protests are serving as a new, unfiltered news source
Implications - As governments in countries like Iran shut down the media and ban Internet access, web-savvy activists are turning to social news networks to deliver the real story firsthand. Advertisers are beginning to capitalize on the protest theme as they recognize the ability to reach a larger audience with a stronger trust factor.
Celebrity Babies
The Pitt-Jolie sparked a new baby fascination, that will likely continue
Implications - In 2008, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were the most publicized couple in Hollywood, leading to a $20 million incentive for the first photograph of their babies. This points toward the trend of celebrity by ménage. The next wave of celebrity babies and children will inspire new trends.
China's May earthquake affected the people, as was reflected in various art
Implications - Generally disastrous phenomena like earthquakes are considered tragedies, but China’s earthquake managed to arouse compassion and creativity, as seen in the art forms below. With the use of the internet, natural disasters are helping to bring people together from around the world.
Blackouts in Unision
Earth Hour 2008 was the largest voluntary electric power-down in history
Implications - On March 29, 2008, over 50 million people voluntarily shut off their lights for 60 minutes. The WWF Earth Hour initiative had participants in 370 cities in 25 countries turn off all electronics as a collaborative visual statement to express the care people share for the planet.
Flickr as News
Web photographers replacing pro photojournalists
Implications - Instead of hiring staff photographers, several leading newspapers and magazines are turning to photo sharing sites like Flickr to obtain their images. Flickr members are the new photojournalists as news and entertainment sources are turning to people who are already there to shoot their photos.