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Graffiti Art

Celebrity graffiti stars like Banksy are helping graffiti get mainstream acceptance

Implications - Graffiti artists and their work have typically been associated with acts of public vandalism and seen as signs of disrespect. Today, "graffitists" are being recognized for their artistic talents. Some are selling their own books, being hired for marketing endeavors and even being paid to create their work in public spaces.
Trend Themes
1. Graffiti as Art - Graffiti is being recognized for its artistic talent and is becoming more accepted as an art form.
2. Innovative Use of Graffiti - Companies are using graffiti as a way to innovate products, branding, and marketing campaigns.
3. Social Graffiti - Graffiti is being used as a way to protest and create social change.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion professionals can collaborate with graffiti artists to create unique designs and innovative streetwear collections.
2. Marketing - Marketing professionals can use graffiti to create attention-grabbing campaigns that engage consumers in an innovative way.
3. Social Activism - Activists can use graffiti to create a visual representation of their social movement and spread awareness for their cause.
12 Featured
131,480 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 07 — Dec 07
V. Hot
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Adidas Embraces Graffiti
Adidas Embraces Graffiti
7 Top Graffiti Artists Commissioned to Plaster Subway
Adidas is embracing graffiti in its latest project, End to End. The project is a 3 day, 7 graffiti artist adventure in which a subway carriage will be plastered with graffiti, from 'end to end'. "Adidas… MORE
Guerrilla Paper
Guerrilla Paper
Empower Yourself with Designer Graffiti
Motorola launched Guerilla Paper which is basically designer graffiti. This concept of guerrilla paper is that you can personalize or transform anything using the signature paper. This enables you to… MORE
Graffiti Dinnerware
Graffiti Dinnerware
New York Delft Tableware
Start with classic porcelain design and funk it up with graffiti inspired scenes from NYC. That's the plan with New York Delft Tableware by Lovegrove & Repucci. The collection will cost you $80 per piece,… MORE
play_circle_filledProtest 2.0
Protest 2.0
Online Dot Matrix Graffiti Bike
Do you remember the GraffitiWriter Remote Controlled Truck? Now the same concept has been applied to a bike with a purpose. Meet the latest techy, wise and environmentally conscious protest ever. Design… MORE
Stencil Graffiti An International Trend
Stencil Graffiti An International Trend
Art, Political Statement, Vandalism
In Edinburgh, Scotland, police blame most of the stencil graffiti on two rival gangs. In Oaxaca city, Mexico they were making political statements just before state elections. In Columbia, Missouri, the… MORE
Drainage Graffiti
Drainage Graffiti
Brazilian 6emeia Project
The Brazilians have found some whimsical ways to liven up their storm drains. SAO! and Delufuent teamed up to create 6emeia, a project that involves painting the streets of Sao Paulo. MORE
Cartoon Graffiti
Cartoon Graffiti
The Fakes Project in Argentina
The Proyecto Falsos (Fakes Project) are fakes of certain cartoon characters (generally children's cartoons) that proliferate in Argentinian streets, mainly in carousels, children’s hairdressers and fun… MORE
Naughty Global Graffiti
Naughty Global Graffiti
Contribute To Bus Stop Knobs Book
Anyone can be a contributor to Bus Stop Knobs, a book due for publication in 2008. The book delves into the glorious sexual graffiti of the world, featuring a feast of phalluses, and a plethora of public… MORE
Graffiti Chocolate Bars
Graffiti Chocolate Bars
NYC Artists Create Unique Wrappers for Charity
A year and a half ago, we covered Artist Bars, which were being sold by Chocolate Bar NYC. The artistic wrappers helped to support local artists. Now, the same concept has been extended to a new line… MORE
The Graffiti Report Card
The Graffiti Report Card
A Cool Way to Combat Ugly Graffiti
What is the Graffiti Report Card? The Graffiti Report Card is a mechanism that you can use to judge graffiti. It’s a sticker with an arrow on it that points to the graffiti. The sticker has a number… MORE
A Social Network for Bathroom Graffiti Pictures
A Social Network for Bathroom Graffiti Pictures
We've seen social networking for bands, for parents, for businesses. But now there's a social network for Bathroom Graffiti Lovers. This past week The Bathroom Graffiti Project relaunched their Web site… MORE
play_circle_filledArtsy Controversy
Artsy Controversy
Venice Public Graffiti Walls Stir Up Emotions
Graffiti has certainly been a controversial issue for over a decade, but these past couple of years the matter has exploded into a social battle that many polititians, such as Bloomberg, mayor of NYC,… MORE
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