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Life in “Real Life”

Today's description for the non-virtual world

Implications - Our society has become so adapted to the web, digital media, and virtual worlds, that the term “Real Life” now has to be used to differentiate. Some advertisers are putting a humorous spin on it by introducing computer elements, such as mouse cursors, into real life ads as a way of getting attention.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual and Real World Integration - Incorporating virtual elements into real life experiences provides a unique way to engage consumers, with opportunities for new forms of interactivity and engagement.
2. Offline Engagement - While online marketing is essential, brands need to remember the importance of in-store promotions and other real-life experiences to drive sales and brand awareness.
3. Online-to-offline Commerce - Creating ways for consumers to connect online and engage in real-life experiences, such as meetups or events, can bridge the gap between e-commerce and brick-and-mortar stores.
Industry Implications
1. Marketing and Advertising - By incorporating virtual elements into real-life ads and creating offline marketing campaigns, businesses can create unique and engaging campaigns to reach consumers.
2. E-commerce - Online-to-offline commerce and creating real-life brand experiences can help bridge the gap between e-commerce and brick-and-mortar stores.
3. Tourism and Hospitality - Real-life experiences, such as photowalking tours and delivery truck campaigns, can create unique and memorable experiences for tourists and locals alike.
9 Featured
57,837 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jul 06 — Aug 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Cybersex Leads To Real Life Lawsuit
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Let’s start at the beginning: It seems Second Life avatars begin life with no 'nads, and if you want your online-self to be packing heat, you have to pay real dollars to some cartoon plastic surgeon… MORE
Video Games in the Real World
Video Games in the Real World
Real Life Tetris
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7/11 Stores Refitted as Kwik-E-Marts
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Delivery Trucks With Giant Cursors
Delivery Trucks With Giant Cursors
Clever Offline Campaign
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Real Life Meetups For Photo Sharing Sites
Real Life Meetups For Photo Sharing Sites
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Ippo Zuri
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As Seen On Screen
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