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New technology is creating a class of amateur professionals

Implications - The dramatic cost reduction in professional cameras combined with photo sharing platforms like Flickr has caused a photography boom among the Internet Generation. With the cost of development gone, and the price reduction in digital SLRs, everyone is capable of becoming a photo “pro.”
Trend Themes
1. High Dynamic Range Photography - The rise of HDR photography shows an opportunity for improving images through software, leading to new photo editing or photography equipment startups.
2. High-speed Photography - High-speed photography with special light elements offers opportunities for new visual experiences, prompting investment into a wide variety of scientific fields from cosmetics to space exploration.
3. Artistic Photo How-to Guides - The rise of inspirational and instructional photo sharing media reveals a potential market for custom and user-friendly photo editing solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Digital Camera Equipment - Innovations in digital camera equipment and software technology to enhance photo and video quality, in addition to user-friendly designs, are essential to meet with consumer demands in the industry.
2. Advertising and Marketing - The demand for digital photo editing and manipulation services, offered to various businesses in the marketing and advertising industry, shows potential for improved visual marketing strategies.
3. E-commerce - Given the dramatic increase in online shopping, the photography and digital editing industry offers an opportunity for e-commerce sites to improve their product photography through these innovative and creative technology trends.
6 Featured, 8 Examples:
514,511 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Dec 07 — Aug 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

HDR Photography
HDR Photography
The Secret to Mind-Blowing Photos
Don't invest in a fancier camera; buy better software. As megapixels reach their practical maximum, software is improving to heighten image quality. HDR, or High Dynamic Range photography, is quickly… MORE
High-Speed Photography
High-Speed Photography
Exploding Objects Frozen in Time
Flickr user nebarnix has a fascinating hobby of blowing things up and taking pictures of them during the explosion using high speed photography. In order to take these amazing photos, nebarnix utilizes… MORE
Artistic Photo How-To Guides
Artistic Photo How-To Guides
Smashing Motion Blur
How do you take artistic photos? How do you make car lights streak or take fancy sports shots? Turn to the internet for your free answers. More people are into “serious” photography than ever before,… MORE
play_circle_filledViral Slow Motion Photo Campaign
Viral Slow Motion Photo Campaign
Casio EX-F1 Lets You See the World Differently
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Telescope-Inspired SLRs
Telescope-Inspired SLRs
One Hand Camera
Manuel Perez Prada designed a unique concept for a camera that could be used in one hand, which he claims is a new archetype for a camera. The design seems to be inspired by ancient telescopes. While… MORE
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Digitally Aged Super Man?
Making Seniors "Vroom" on Flickr
Oh my gosh. This has to be one of the best photo effects I've seen on Flickr. This photograph by artsy_T is aptly titled "Vroom" and features an old man with a walker who appears to be moving so fast,… MORE
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