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Customized Sentiment

Brands evoke emotional responses with personalized stunts

Implications - In executing heartfelt campaigns that celebrate and reward the consumer, brands are able to communicate the ways in which they value them. This can also be seen as a covert way of pushing back against the notion that larger corporations may see customers as numbers. Rather than committing to bigger picture charitable pursuits that may not resonate with individual consumers, brands in this case showcase their ability to customize their service in a way that speaks to the heart of each customer.
Workshop Question - Is there a new tactic you can implement to evoke an emotional reaction from your consumers? Consider publicity stunts and traditional advertising.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Marketing - Brands execute heartfelt campaigns that celebrate and reward the consumers in a personalized way to make them feel valued.
2. Customized Service - Brands are showcasing their ability to customize their services that speaks to heart of each customer, pushing back the idea of seeing customers as numbers.
3. Hyper-targeted Content - Retailers are utilizing technology like BLE beacons and RFID-enabled products to create hyper-targeted content personalized to match shopper interests and preferences.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Retailers are harnessing personalized marketing to create authentic experiences that boost consumer loyalty and emotionally invest them to their brand.
2. Banking - Banks are designing compassionate campaigns as a personal touch-point, to engage with their customers and make them feel valued and appreciated.
3. Technology - Technology is enabling retailers to leverage data to provide personalized experiences, and a unique perspective on products and services designed to match user preferences.
6 Featured, 51 Examples:
171,108 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jul 14 — Jul 16
Consumer Insight Topics:

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