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Connected Activism

Organizations actively use social media for social good

Implications - As social good becomes more relevant in the purchasing decision of today’s consumer, one way to reach them is through social media. Facebook, Twitter and other online networks are being used to enhance activist or charitable activities, allowing marketers to take advantage of the relationships between online users and the ability of the Internet to take a message to viral heights.
Trend Themes
1. Connected Activism - As social good becomes more relevant, enhanced charitable activities are reaching viral heights through social media networks.
2. Crowd-funding for Causes - Corporations are increasingly using social media as a platform for fund raising in a way that allows consumers to participate.
3. Charitable Marketing - Charities auctioning off celebrity Twitter services for fundraising campaigns is taking off as a popular venture.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit - Non-profit organizations should take advantage of social media marketing to promote their causes and potentially gain followers interested in social activism.
2. Technology - Technology industries should develop user-friendly applications to connect online users with charities and facilitate the popularity of social good online.
3. E-commerce - E-commerce platforms need to assess ways to incorporate philanthropy into their websites to encourage consumers to contribute to social good.
8 Featured, 67 Examples:
737,802 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jun 09 — Feb 11

Featured Examples

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play_circle_filledSocial Moustache Sites
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