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DIY Barista

Seduced by cafe culture, consumers learn how to make their own craft coffee

Implications - More than just a morning beverage, coffee has developed a culture and lifestyle of its own. Consumers are now forgoing the convenience and cost-effectiveness of ready-made coffee for the chance to learn how to brew their own cup. This shift indicates not only the strength of coffee culture, but also the pervasiveness of the artisan movement with which it is closely associated.
Workshop Question - How will the growing artisan movement and DIY culture impact your brand, if at all?
Trend Themes
1. DIY Coffee Culture - Consumers are now forgoing the convenience and cost-effectiveness of ready-made coffee for the chance to learn how to brew their own cup.
2. Technology-enabled Coffee Machines - Smart coffee machines equipped with precision filtration technology and pre-set brew controls are gaining popularity.
3. Crystallized Instant Coffees - Specialty instant coffees that are sourced from top roasters, brewed to perfection and freeze-dried into crystallized form are gaining acceptance among consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Kitchen Appliances - Innovations in brewing technology and freeze-drying are expanding opportunities for disruptive innovation in the kitchen appliance industry.
2. Food and Beverage Industry - Advancements in coffee roasting, brewing and freeze-drying are driving disruptive innovation in the food and beverage industry.
3. E-commerce Industry - Specialty instant coffees are expanding opportunities for e-commerce companies to reach consumers with high-quality coffee products.
7 Featured, 63 Examples:
284,214 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Sep 14 — Oct 16
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Crystallized Instant Coffees
Crystallized Instant Coffees
Voilà is Introducing Itself as the "World's Best Instant Coffee"
With a campaign on Kickstarter, Voilà is hoping to introduce itself to the world as one of the best instant coffees in the world. What sets this “specialty instant coffee” apart is... MORE
Smart Coffee Makers
Smart Coffee Makers
The OXO On Coffee Brew System Uses Alarm Clock Tech for Added Precision
Bringing the realm of technology to kitchen appliances is the OXO On coffee brew system that utilizes smart mechanics to offer precision filtration. This is thanks to the addition of a smart timer... MORE
Coffee Analysis Apps
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Angels' Cup Coffee's App Lets You Make & Share Coffee Notes
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Cappuccino-Perfecting Frothers
Cappuccino-Perfecting Frothers
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Coffee Cooking Classes
Coffee Cooking Classes
Nespresso and Chef Phil Howard Offer Lessons on the Science of Coffee
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DIY Latte Ice Cubes
DIY Latte Ice Cubes
These Handy Coffee Cubes Make It Easy to Whip Up Frozen Lattes
The ‘Imma Eat That’ blog has designed a handy tutorial for making DIY latte ice cubes at home. While many people enjoy frozen coffee beverages, it can be difficult to reproduce these... MORE
Creamy Coffee Brewing Machines
Creamy Coffee Brewing Machines
The ‘Lattissima Touch’ is Made for Those Who Enjoy Coffee with Milk
Nespresso recently unveiled its Lattissima Touch machine, the latest addition to the brand’s ‘OriginalLine Lattissima’ collection. The machine is loaded with multiple features that aim to... MORE

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