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56 Examples of Baby Advertising

From Messy Baby Advertisements to Smoking Unborn Baby Ads

— November 5, 2013 — Pop Culture
These examples of baby advertising will evoke a wide range of emotions; from giddiness to laughter and even outrage, these baby campaigns take it to all sorts of levels.

Using babies in marketing strategies is a very smart move. Babies are adorable and it is very difficult to find someone who can keep a straight face while looking at a photo or watching a commercial featuring a big-eyed, cuddly little baby. They are adorable and tend to captivate those around them.

Brands outside the baby industry have taken this into consideration. Giving babies adult-like features such as beards, wild tattoos and adult-size limbs is a clever way to capture someone's attention.

These ads and commercials will certainly have you smiling and leave you longing for a baby in your arms -- even if you're not actually ready for a baby of your own. Either way, these examples of baby advertising will provide a quick if temporary fix.
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Alternative Child-Bearing Charts
Alternative Child-Bearing Charts
This Infographic Outlines Alternative Child Birth Options
Dangerously Springing Baby Ads
Dangerously Springing Baby Ads
The Rhold Insurance Brokerage Campaign Prepares People for Mishaps
Abandoned Baby Ads
Abandoned Baby Ads
The Multi Media Est Campaign Nurtures Marketing
Unexpected Baby Animal Ads
Unexpected Baby Animal Ads
The Personal Lubricant Aleolub Campaign is Dubiously Adorable
Baked Bun Baby Ads
Baked Bun Baby Ads
This Warburtons Ad Congratulates Princess Kate on Her Fresh-Baked Bun
Royal Betting Baby Ads
Royal Betting Baby Ads
The Paddy Power Babies Promote Betting on the Royal Child
Talking Toddler Tax Ads
Talking Toddler Tax Ads
This Talking Baby Super Bowl Commercial Comes from E-Trade
Toddler Astronauts
Toddler Astronauts
The BBC 'Adventure' Commercial Sends Kids on a Journey
Customized Doodled Diaper Ads
Customized Doodled Diaper Ads
Huggies Korea Launched an Adorably Artistic Campaign
Adorable Baby Facts Promos
Adorable Baby Facts Promos
Father Explains Facts of Life Imaginatively in the KIA Super Bowl Ad
Royal Baby Delivery Ads
Royal Baby Delivery Ads
The Times Royal Delivery Campaign Features a Regal Birth
Baby Gym Rat Videos
Baby Gym Rat Videos
The Olvarit Commerical Launches with Babies Hitting the Weights
Misbehaving Offspring Ads
Misbehaving Offspring Ads
The Motorola Video Baby Monitor Campaign Depicts Bad Behaviours
Babies as Stockholders
Babies as Stockholders
E-Trade Channels the Power of Cute
Sucker-Shaped People Ads
Sucker-Shaped People Ads
The BaBoom Lollipop Campaign Appeals to Children's Imaginations
Fawning Family Ads
Fawning Family Ads
The Panado Infant Drops Campaign Combats Baby Headaches
Baby Rockstar Ads
Baby Rockstar Ads
The Lucas Savelli Campaign Envisions Celebrities Before They Can Talk
Iconic Baby Music Ads
Iconic Baby Music Ads
The Parque Recreio Kids Campaign Features Toy Versions of Musicians
Adult-Armed Baby Ads
Adult-Armed Baby Ads
The Oral-B Stages Campaign Promotes Teeth-Brushing for Infants
Mirroring Infant Image Ads
Mirroring Infant Image Ads
This Evian Babies Commercial 'Baby & Me' Brings Back Dancing Tots
Photoshopped Celebrity Baby Ads
Photoshopped Celebrity Baby Ads
This Ad for the Sun UK Spoofs Grown-Up Celebrity Babies
Devious Babysitting Campaigns
Devious Babysitting Campaigns
The Cape Town Fish Market Ads Warn Against Leaving Your Kids at Home
Clapperboard Nap Campaigns
Clapperboard Nap Campaigns
The Heinz Golden Sleep Ads Show Sleeping in Action
Newborn Safety Auto Commercials
Newborn Safety Auto Commercials
Safety is Paramount in the New the Volkswagen Jetta Commercial
Mini-Me Nappy Ads
Mini-Me Nappy Ads
The Ninet Diapers Ultra Absorbent Campaign is Hilariously Surreal
Yesteryear Infant Portraits
Yesteryear Infant Portraits
These Achim Lippoth Baby Photos Give Baby Ads a Vintage Look
Breakdancing Baby Videos
Breakdancing Baby Videos
The Tony Kelly American Apparel Ad is Hilarious and Enthralling
Drooling Drunken Baby Ads
Drooling Drunken Baby Ads
Keep the Infants Away From L'universe de Chocolat
Streetwise Stock-Trading Babies
Streetwise Stock-Trading Babies
E-Trade Talking Baby is Back for Super Bowl 2009
Adultized Baby Commercials
Adultized Baby Commercials
This 'Uncensored E-Trade' 2011 Superbowl Compilation is Intriguing
Messy Baby Advertisements
Messy Baby Advertisements
The Olvarit Babyfoods Commercial Brings Tots to a Fancy Restaurant
Toddler-Themed Christmas Decor
Toddler-Themed Christmas Decor
The Teletubbies Christmas Tree
All-Day Diaper Commercials
All-Day Diaper Commercials
Huggies 'Best Seat in the House' Campaign Highlights Brand Quality
Smoking Unborn Baby Ads
Smoking Unborn Baby Ads
This Ad Illustrates the Dangers Associated with Smoking During Pregnancy
Imaginative Child Curiousity Ads
Imaginative Child Curiousity Ads
Matteo Pozzi Answers Children's Questions Via Wonderful Artwork
Hairy Baby Ads
Hairy Baby Ads
The Hasselhoff Baby Commercial Proves that Some People are Born Awesome
Badass Baby Campaigns
Badass Baby Campaigns
The Harley-Davidson Ads Illustrate the Spirit of the Motorcycle Company
Rollerblading Baby Ads
Rollerblading Baby Ads
Evian Takes Living Young to a Whole New Extreme
Infant Perspective Advertising
Infant Perspective Advertising
This Cam Il Mondo Del Bambino Campaign Dreams Up Imaginative Items
Denim Diapers
Denim Diapers
Huggies Little Movers Jeans Diapers Make Your Baby a Trendsetter From Birth
Fight For Kisses Commercial
Fight For Kisses Commercial
Dad Battles Baby In Wilkinson Ad
Adorable Baby Ads
Adorable Baby Ads
The Gerber 'United Babies' Commercial Features Stop-Motion Infants
Cartoony Baby Food Branding
Cartoony Baby Food Branding
Squooshi Packaging Appeals to the Eyes, the Tummy and the Planet
Moody Baby Marketing
Moody Baby Marketing
These DBI Federal Childsurance Ads Urge You to Care While They're Cute
McDonalds India Uses Baby Ronald
McDonalds India Uses Baby Ronald
Scaring Customers Away?
Child Poverty Shockvertising
Child Poverty Shockvertising
The Barnardo Campaign Against Child Poverty Raises Eyebrows
Toddlers as Mops
Toddlers as Mops
Babies Dusters
Imaginative Baby Ads
Imaginative Baby Ads
The Cam Il Mondo Del Bambino Campaign Looks the Through Eyes of Chidren
Speeding Babies
Speeding Babies
HP 'Happy Baby' Commercial Promotes ePrint Convenience
Bearded Baby Advertising
Bearded Baby Advertising
The Okuma 'Born to Fish' Campaign Fuses Old & Young Fishermen
Tattooed Baby Ads
Tattooed Baby Ads
The Playtex Binky Campaign Targets 'Difficult Little People'
Fashionista Baby Diapers (UPDATE)
Fashionista Baby Diapers (UPDATE)
The Huggies Denim Diapers Commercial is Too Cute
Visually Disturbing PSAs
Visually Disturbing PSAs
Juvenile Protective Association Ads Show Effect of Verbal Abuse