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50 Marvelous McCann Ads

From Farcical Fairytale Dating Ads to Dunce Kid Advertising

— December 20, 2011 — Marketing
Whether you’re an ad nerd or not, you can easily tell how good an ad is by simply taking one look at the campaign, and the McCann ads come from one agency that has never failed to attract the masses.

With oozing creativity and flawless art direction flowing through each and every campaign, this advertising agency is among the best the world has seen. McCann Worldgroup includes Universal McCann, McCann Erickson, MRM Worldwide and Momentum Worldwide. (McCann Erickson was named ‘Global Agency of the Year.’)

These ads are funny, sassy and carry a strong message that targets its chosen demographic. Be it the viral song holiday campaign or the alienated youngster ad, one cannot help but be moved by the clear messages sent out by McCann ads.
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Personified Finger Prints
Personified Finger Prints
This Turkish Airlines Campaign Promotes Travel at Your Fingertips
Viral Song Holiday Campaigns
Viral Song Holiday Campaigns
Kohl's 'Black Friday' Song Mimics Rebecca Black's Tune
Contortionist Controller Campaigns
Contortionist Controller Campaigns
The Xbox 360 Kinect 2011 Ads Advocate Gamer Activity
Office Procrastination Ads
Office Procrastination Ads
This Puro Faitrade Coffee Campaign Urges You to Take a Break
Violent PC-Human Relationships
Violent PC-Human Relationships
Make-Up Courses to Promote Sports
Musical Milkshake Ads
Musical Milkshake Ads
Guzzle Down the Nestle Fast Campaign
Peevish Pen Commercials
Peevish Pen Commercials
The Jennifer Lopez Kohl's Campaign Features Hilarious Office Scenarios
iGeneration Baby Naming
Channel-Flipping Campaigns
Channel-Flipping Campaigns
The DishTV 2011 Ads Show How Quickly You Can Watch TV
Big-Headed Gum Campaigns
Big-Headed Gum Campaigns
McCann Worldgroup Chews Out Creative Advertisements
Spicy Handvertisements
Spicy Handvertisements
'Wolf Hot Sauce' Will Make You Breathe Fire
Fashion Statement Ads
Fashion Statement Ads
360 Degrees Asks You To Make Your Statement
Dunce Kid Advertising
Dunce Kid Advertising
The Opticana Kids Collection Campaign Plays Dumb
Obnoxious Movie Guy Ads
Obnoxious Movie Guy Ads
National Movie Archive Campaign
Reality Check Zoo Ads
Reality Check Zoo Ads
Santa Cruz Campaign Reminds That Animals Don't Just Exist on TV
Ecological Insight Advertising
Ecological Insight Advertising
This IUCN Destruction Campaign Focuses on Imperiled Animals
Oil-Guzzling Organs
Oil-Guzzling Organs
'Heart' by Pawel Nolbert Promotes Olive Oil as Good for the Ticker
Shocking Anatomy Campaigns
Shocking Anatomy Campaigns
The Biedermann McCann Print Ads Gets You Thinking Big
Braille Campaign
Braille Campaign
McCann Erickson "Dots" Ad
Aroused Billboards
Aroused Billboards
'Outdoor Excited' Campaign for Male Potency Drug
Ads That  Define Beauty
Ads That Define Beauty
Maybelline New York Goes Dictionary Style To Sell Mascara
Graphic Dating Campaigns
Graphic Dating Campaigns
These Illustrated Wematch Ads Offer Hands-On Matchmaking
Visual Punnery Ads
Visual Punnery Ads
Podiatric Promotions That Put Their Best Foot Forward
Disappearing Advertising
Disappearing Advertising
Liquor-Loving Grandma Ads
Liquor-Loving Grandma Ads
The Aldi Tea Commercial by McCann Erickson Shows a Feisty Side to Nana
Garlic Camo
Garlic Camo
Chlormint Campaign Illustrates its Ability to Mask Bad Breath
Competitive Matchstick Marketing
Competitive Matchstick Marketing
The KFC Stories Campaign Compares Fiery Fables
Electrifying Energy Drink Ads
Electrifying Energy Drink Ads
Chinese Beverage Compares Straw to An Electrical Plug
Cheeky Public Service Announcements
Cheeky Public Service Announcements
The McCann Erickson Clean After Your Dog Campaign is Allusive
Colossal Cereal Campaigns
Colossal Cereal Campaigns
The Honey Shreddies Ads Advertise Sweet Taste
Cheeky Childhood Advantages
Cheeky Childhood Advantages
Vodafone Youth Commercial
Celebrity Slumber Campaigns
Celebrity Slumber Campaigns
The Shivam Handloom Mattresses Ads Give Barack and Tiger a Rest
Humongous Harvest Marketing
Humongous Harvest Marketing
This Viking Fertilizer Campaign Boasts Ripe Results
Interactive Self-Promotions
Interactive Self-Promotions
THiNK! McCann Erickson Questions the Wisdom of DIY Ads
Graph-Based Beer Ads
Graph-Based Beer Ads
Goldstar Uses Flow Chart to Outline Your Path to Beervana
True-Life Ad Campaigns
True-Life Ad Campaigns
Coca-Cola Lets 102-Year-Old Man Recall Importance of Happiness
Vaporized Vodka Ads
Vaporized Vodka Ads
The Smoke Vodka Campaign by McCann Erickson is Super Sultry
Alienated Youngster Advertising
Alienated Youngster Advertising
This Honda Jazz Campaign May Bring Families Together
Distracted Driver Campaigns
Distracted Driver Campaigns
The Onida Mobile Ads Want You to Steer Clear of Phones While Driving
Shocking Germ Campaigns
Shocking Germ Campaigns
The Sanitol Ads Really Show You What You're Touching With Unclean Hands
Human Trafficking PSAs
Human Trafficking PSAs
Samilia Foundation ‘Attached to Work' Campaign
Farcical Fairytale Dating Ads
Farcical Fairytale Dating Ads
The McCann Erickson JDate Poster Promotes Serious Relationships
Thirst-Quenching Ads
Thirst-Quenching Ads
These Coca-cola Billboards Will Give You an Epic Thirst for More
Profound Newspaper Prints
Profound Newspaper Prints
The New Straits Times Ads Provide a Deeper Perspective
Bloody Wine Branding
Bloody Wine Branding
Beaujolais Nouveau AD Packaging Functions as Promotional Donations
Hanes: Nigg*r, Fagg*t, Pak!
Secluded Airline Seating Ads
Secluded Airline Seating Ads
The Cathay Pacific Airways Campaign Proposes Near Privacy
Titillating Tailgate Portraits
Titillating Tailgate Portraits
The Rene Vaile Oyster Magazine #94 Shoot is Stunningly Hip
Cucumber Condom Campaigns
Cucumber Condom Campaigns
The McCann Worldgroup Fowin Ad is Deliciously Racy
Plastic Surgery Obsession Ads
Plastic Surgery Obsession Ads
Chevrolet Jabs