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Top 100 Charity Trends of 2014

From Charitable Cat Deliveries to Light-Sharing Paper Projects

— January 3, 2015 — Social Good
The most enduring 2014 charity trends were marked by the creative and effective use of the Internet and social media to spread awareness about charitable campaigns and raise money to support them. From planned annual charitable campaigns like Movember to campaigns responding to spontaneous needs arising from the spread of disease and conflict, 2014 was a year that saw the Internet being leveraged magnificently to raise money and support to help the needy.

This year saw the launching of a number of charitable campaigns to support global causes -- such as relieving the suffering of the diseased and conflict-ridden -- as well as more local ones, such as helping the urban poor pay their water bills.

Arguably the most adorable charitable campaign of the year was taxi-finding platform Uber's UberKITTENS initiative, which delivered kittens to people looking for a good snuggle. Proceeds from the kitten delivery fees went towards support cat shelters.

For more on trends in the worlds of charity and non-profit work, consult Trend Hunter's Charity Trend Report.
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Unavailable Wildlife Ads
Unavailable Wildlife Ads
WWF's Ad to Save the Polar Bears is 'Unavailable' Due to Global Warming
Porky Charity Races
Porky Charity Races
Bacon Chase by Red Frog Events Benefits St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Charitable Incubator Retreats
Charitable Incubator Retreats
The Ideas Island by Fredrik Haren is a Free Getaway for Creatives
Charitable Commuter Satchels
Charitable Commuter Satchels
Oak Lifestyle Messenger Bags Provide to Those in Need
Viral Drinking Game Makeovers
Viral Drinking Game Makeovers
Nek Nominees Perform Philanthropic Gestures Instead of Getting Drunk
Charitable Weight Loss Projects
Charitable Weight Loss Projects
The Weightless Project Motivates You to Get in Shape and Give Back
Cute Puppy Video Campaigns
Cute Puppy Video Campaigns
The Pedigree Adoption Drive Video is Direct
Light-Sharing Paper Projects
Light-Sharing Paper Projects
Panasonic's Cut Out the Darkness Aims to Bring Light to Those Without
Charitable Youth-Empowering Parties
Charitable Youth-Empowering Parties
Free the Children Brings Stability and Social Change Worldwide
Paper-Made Schools
Paper-Made Schools
Shigaru Ban Helps Those in Need by Replacing the Miao Miao School in China
Smartphone-Obsessed Charitable Endeavors
Smartphone-Obsessed Charitable Endeavors
The UNICEF Tap Project is Taking Away Your Smartphone
Charitable Missing Piece Pastries
Charitable Missing Piece Pastries
World Vision Japan's Love Cakes Help to Feed Children in Africa
Skill-Based Volunteer Networks
Skill-Based Volunteer Networks
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Charitable YouTuber Campaigns
Charitable YouTuber Campaigns
PewDiePie's '25 Million Bros' Are Fundraising for Save the Children
Good-Inspiring Money Stamps
Good-Inspiring Money Stamps
Good Virus' Good Money Project Aims to Encourage Nice Deeds
Artsy Composition Cards
Artsy Composition Cards
The 'Love Cells' Valentine's Day Cards Takes a Microscopic Look at Love
Charitable Anti-Abuse Ads
Charitable Anti-Abuse Ads
The Penny Prison by Movimento De Mulheres Fights for Women's Rights
Charitable Camera Straps
Charitable Camera Straps
The ONA Camera Strap Raises Awareness for Clean Drinking Water
Crude Gender Equality Ads
Crude Gender Equality Ads
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Frosty Disease Awareness Campaigns
Frosty Disease Awareness Campaigns
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is Causing a Flood of Donations
Dieting Donation Apps
Dieting Donation Apps
FoodTweeks' App Helps You Cut Out Calories and Feed the Hungry
Marathon Tribute Sneakers
Marathon Tribute Sneakers
New Balance Released a Shoe in Honor of the Boston Marathon 2014
Animal-Saving Notebooks
Animal-Saving Notebooks
Julie Joliat's Kids Drawing Notebook Teaches About & Aids Wild Animals
Volunteer-Rewarding Packages
Volunteer-Rewarding Packages
The Ritz-Carlton Do Good, Feel Good Package Offered a Luxury Upgrade
Brick-Dropping Campaigns
Brick-Dropping Campaigns
This Indiegogo Project Aims to Save Water and Help Drought Victims
Elemental Eye Makeup
Elemental Eye Makeup
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Hunger Awareness Campaigns
Hunger Awareness Campaigns
Unicef's Food Photos Save Lives Campaign Shares on Food Shortages
Model-Designed Sunnies
Model-Designed Sunnies
The Karlie Kloss x Warby Parker Sunglasses is Timelessly Feminine
LGBT Sports Apparel
LGBT Sports Apparel
The Nike 2014 #BETRUE Collection Features Vibrant Rainbow Colours
Female Empowerment Campaigns
Female Empowerment Campaigns
The Girl Effect Initiative is Championed By the Nike Foundation
Crowdsourced Holiday Songs
Crowdsourced Holiday Songs
Waitrose's Donate Your Voice Campaign Features Vocals from the Public
Animal-Saving Tees
Animal-Saving Tees
The Akomplice x The Nature Conservancy Eco T-Shirts Aid Conservation Projects
Water-Crisis Relief Graffiti
Water-Crisis Relief Graffiti
Banksy Collaborates With BNE to Celebrate World Water Day
Poetic Torture Ads
Poetic Torture Ads
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Heroic Movember Campaigns
Heroic Movember Campaigns
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Collaborative Food Drives
Collaborative Food Drives
The Stamp Out Hunger Drive Helps to End Hunger Across America
Charitable Cosmetic-Free Selfies
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Charitable Printed Backpacks
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Interactive Donor Posters
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Charitable Cat Deliveries
Charitable Cat Deliveries
Uber is Delivering Cats On National Cat Day
Selfie Shaming Sites
Selfie Shaming Sites
The Selfie Police Website Asks Self-Portrait Offenders to Pay Up for Charity
Unlikely Fashion Collaborations
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Updated Sci-Fi Aircrafts
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Accessible Shower Buses
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Solar-Powered Water Filters
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The ROSI System Can Remove Harmful Viruses and Bacteria From Water
Chess Set Packaging
Chess Set Packaging
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Hope-Revealing Candles
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Community Pizza Shops
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Edible Garment Ads
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Tattooed Cancer-Fighting Charities
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Bacon-Inspired Shirt Packaging
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Squatter-Friendly Homes
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Charitable Feline Film Festivals
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Homeless Cardboard Art
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Chilly Charity Costumes
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Homeless Mannequin Charities
Homeless Mannequin Charities
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Anti-Poaching Stamps
Anti-Poaching Stamps
Pro Wildlife's Endangered Species Stamps Show Animals Becoming Trophies
Animal-Saving Scrunchies
Animal-Saving Scrunchies
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Recycled Cell Phone Cameras
Recycled Cell Phone Cameras
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Insect Colony Fundraisers
Insect Colony Fundraisers
These Artistic Ant Farms are Raising Money for Different Charities
Charitable Rapper Apparel
Charitable Rapper Apparel
Akomplice's Clothing Line Funds Music Education for Kids
Mother-Child Fashion Ads
Mother-Child Fashion Ads
The Born Free Africa Campaign Stars Doutzen, Sasha and Karolina
Superstar Sunglasses
Superstar Sunglasses
The Latest Karen Walker Collection is Inspired by Iconic Artisans
Philanthropic Vacation Packages
Philanthropic Vacation Packages
The Getaway2Give Collection Generates Charitable Donations
Recycled Skateboard Trophies
Recycled Skateboard Trophies
These Epic Trophies are for a Skateboard Charity Event
Beard Voting Websites
Beard Voting Websites
No Shave Showdown Helps Raise Awareness for Prostate Cancer
Selfie Fashion Auctions
Selfie Fashion Auctions
The Selfie Collection is Presented by the Nokia Lumia 735 Smartphone
Fake Magazine Covers
Fake Magazine Covers
The Catapult Cover Stories Series Addresses Daily Abuse Against Women
Inflatable Heat-Sharing Shelters
Inflatable Heat-Sharing Shelters
The paraSITE Shelter Turns Excess Heat into Comfortable Living
Tasty Clothing Posters
Tasty Clothing Posters
Shopping Itaguacu's Clothing Donation Ads Show Garments Moths Would Enjoy
Feline-Focused Men's Fashion
Feline-Focused Men's Fashion
The Akomplice Spring 2014 Collection Donates to Nature Conservancy
Charitable Wheelchair Bicycles
Charitable Wheelchair Bicycles
The Heartbike Supports the Heart and Stroke Foundation Bike Ride
Sweater Wig Ads
Sweater Wig Ads
The El Ropero Campaign Urges Donations for Kids with Cancer
Charitable Playing Cards
Charitable Playing Cards
The Second Edition Charity: Water Decks Support Clean Drinking Water
Feline Abuse Awareness Footwear
Feline Abuse Awareness Footwear
Vans Cat Shoes Were Made to Support the ASPCA
Charitable Soccer Balls
Charitable Soccer Balls
Designers Reinterpret the World Cup 2014 Ball to Benefit Brazil's Youth
LGBT-Friendly Fashion Ads
LGBT-Friendly Fashion Ads
The Barneys Spring 2014 Campaign Stars 17 Transgender Models
Humanizing Homeless People Paintings
Humanizing Homeless People Paintings
These Murals by Depaul UK is a Show of Street Art Activism
Recycled Mobile Homeless Shelters
Recycled Mobile Homeless Shelters
The Homelessness Project Uses Discarded Items to Provide Housing
Gold-Plated Whiskey Chillers
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You Can Now Sip Your Whiskey in Style with a Set of Whiskey Balls
Visual Storytelling Cards
Visual Storytelling Cards
Debbie Millman's Poetic Word Play Cards Let You Create Your Own Stories
Charitable Drag Queen Chocolates
Charitable Drag Queen Chocolates
The RuPaul Bar by Sweet Hollywood Honors an Iconic Queen
Tragedy-Memorializing Tattoo Photography
Tragedy-Memorializing Tattoo Photography
Christopher Padgett Takes Snaps of Boston Bombing Tattoos
Charitable Testicle Waxings
Charitable Testicle Waxings
Men Participate in Not-The-Sac Wax For Testicular Cancer Canada
Critical Fundraising Infographics
Critical Fundraising Infographics
This Charitable Chart References Ice Bucket Challenge Donations
Billing Block Packaging
Billing Block Packaging
Monday Movie Club Branding is as Punchy as Hot New Cinema Titles
Homeless-Helping Micro-Homes (UPDATE)
Homeless-Helping Micro-Homes (UPDATE)
These Miniature Homes Provide Housing for the Homeless
Pop-Up Relief Shelters
Pop-Up Relief Shelters
This Pop-Up Shelter Provides Temporary Living Space for Four
Elegantly Hipster Compassionate Shoes
Elegantly Hipster Compassionate Shoes
Allen Edmonds's Handcrafted Shoes are Sleek and Social
Touching Ethiopian Photography
Touching Ethiopian Photography
Children of Omo by Steve McCurry Captures Plight of the 'Cursed'
Charitable Housing Designs
Charitable Housing Designs
Casa Uno by Hans Mayr Helps Homeless Mexican Families Find Shelter
Recycled Refugee Residences
Recycled Refugee Residences
Agora Architects Created a Bamboo Structure to Help Fleeing Burmese
Life-Saving Granola Bars
Life-Saving Granola Bars
This Snack Bar Packaging States Its Bold Mission to Save Lives
Mobile Metropolitan Microfarms
Mobile Metropolitan Microfarms
The Bowery Project Uses Vacant Lots to Support Urban Agriculture
Feline-Friendly Architecture
Feline-Friendly Architecture
These Outdoor Cat Shelter Designs Raised Money For the FixNation NGO
Charity Pop-Up Shops
Charity Pop-Up Shops
The Street Store Provides Shopping Experience for Homeless Individuals
Homeless Microhouse Communities
Homeless Microhouse Communities
This Project Provides Sustainable Tiny Housing for the Homeless
Pop Bottle Houses
Pop Bottle Houses
The USA Can End Homelessness by Building Plastic Bottle Houses
Affordable Shipping Container Abodes
Affordable Shipping Container Abodes
The Alexander Street Project Gives People in Need Nice Homes
Revolutionary Micro-Home Initiatives
Revolutionary Micro-Home Initiatives
The Miniature Housing Project of Portland is Making Waves