Rideshare services become more accommodating to remove barriers to transport
Implications - The multitude of rideshare services now available have enhanced travel accessibility for many, however certain groups still face barriers when it comes to affordable, safe and simple travel – a fact which many of these services are now beginning to consider. With programs that remove barriers and enhance passenger safety, this shift reveals the necessity for brands to adapt to the needs of smaller customer bases, rather than attempting universal approaches that leave many behind.
Workshop Question - Consider potential barriers some consumers may face in the process of purchasing or using your brand's products/services. How can your company potentially reduce the impact of those barriers?
Trend Themes
1. Inclusive Rideshare - Rideshare companies are partnering with assistive community providers to offer more accessible travel options for those with special needs and abilities.
2. Non-emergency Medical Transportation - Rideshare companies are offering free non-emergency rides to people who are uninsured, low-income, or vulnerable to help them attend and return from medical appointments.
3. Medical Transportation - Rideshare companies are partnering with health organizations to offer flexible and convenient transportation options for individuals who frequent hospitals.
4. Gender-focused Rideshare - An all-female taxi service provides a female-focused alternative to traditional, male-oriented ride-share services.
Industry Implications
1. Accessibility Industry - Companies can develop assistive services and transportation options to better serve those with special needs or abilities.
2. Healthcare Industry - Healthcare providers can partner with rideshare companies to provide flexible transportation options for staff and patients, both insured and uninsured.
3. Rideshare Industry - Rideshare companies can offer specialized services to smaller customer bases with unique needs, opening up new markets and potentially lowering competition.