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Brands increase education around the cannabis industry

Implications - As more regions lift legal restraints on cannabis consumption, brands aim to offer "enlightenment" on this somewhat controversial topic. Offering meaningful exposure like winery-styled cannabis tours and creating cannabis-focused publications, consumers now have unlimited access to information on this emerging industry. By teaching consumers about the farming process, health benefits and business opportunities within this market, brands aim to de-stigmatize cannabis culture, and open the door for more transparent conversations with their consumers.
Workshop Question - How can you educate your consumers on less well-received aspects of its industry?
Trend Themes
1. Cannabis Education - Brands are offering education around cannabis consumption to de-stigmatize the culture and offer transparency to their consumers.
2. Cannabis Tourism - Businesses are creating unique cannabis-focused excursions to attract cannabis consumers and tap into the emerging cannabis tourism industry.
3. Cannabis Industry Accessibility - Startups are offering informative platforms and educational classes to break down the barriers of entry and allow more people to access opportunities within the cannabis industry.
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Tourism - Businesses can appeal to cannabis consumers with unique travel packages that offer cannabis-focused activities and experiences.
2. Health and Fitness - Cannabis products can be incorporated into health and fitness challenges to attract health-conscious individuals to the cannabis industry.
3. Publishing and Media - Opportunities exist to create cannabis-focused publications and media to provide informative and engaging content for both consumers and industry professionals.
6 Featured, 50 Examples:
141,618 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 17 — Feb 19
Consumer Insight Topics:

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