Bread and baked goods are marketed in font-focused packaging
Implications - Elegant typographic packaging for bread and baked goods add a touch of familiarity to what is seen as an increasingly challenging product to market. Infusing the product with a sense of confectionery whimsy and authenticity, text-focused packaging turns to various typographic styles to position the product as worthy of even the discerning consumer's consideration.
Workshop Question - Simple, yet graphic branding can make a product feel more luxe to the consumer. How might this translate for your brand?
Trend Themes
1. Typographic Packaging - Using typography to create elegant and whimsical packaging for food products.
2. Handmade Packaging - Handwritten and personalized packaging that adds a personal touch to baked goods and increases engagement with consumers.
3. Newspaper Packaging - Using newspaper as a sustainable and visually appealing alternative to traditional packaging for food products.
Industry Implications
1. Food Packaging Industry - Innovative packaging designs and materials can differentiate a food product from competitors and improve customer engagement.
2. Artisanal Food Industry - Handmade and personalized packaging can reinforce the authenticity and artisanal nature of food products.
3. Sustainable Packaging Industry - Newspaper and other sustainable packaging materials can reduce waste and have a positive impact on the environment.