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Swiss Army Style

Everyone's favorite multi-purpose pocket knife finds even more ways to appeal

Implications - How do you make the best multi-purpose pocket knife even better? Make it niche-specific by adding Swarovski crystals, MP3 players, lighters and USB keys. These products take an already popular item and modify it to cater to niche markets. Applying innovative concepts to a product that already has mass appeal is a safer approach than taking a chance on something completely new.
Trend Themes
1. Niche-specific Adaptations - Modifying a popular item to cater to niche markets is a safer approach than taking a chance on something completely new.
2. Multitasking Items - Modern-day consumers are looking for items that offer an element of convenience in their daily lives, making products that complete more than one function at a time appealing to those with fast-paced lifestyles.
3. Brand Expansion - Companies with a trusting consumer base have the ability to expand their product line into other industries, and incorporating new products into their line which still reflect their brand identity can attract a new customer base.
Industry Implications
1. Pocket Knives - Pocket knives are being marketed towards everyday folk who love convenience just as much as adventurers who love venturing outdoors.
2. Luxury Goods - Companies like Victorinox and Bonfort understand that consumers often want products that offer both functionality and luxury.
3. Kitchenware - Companies with a trusting consumer base have the ability to expand their product line into other industries, such as kitchenware.
11 Featured, 6 Examples:
221,572 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 06 — Aug 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

USB Knives
USB Knives
Swiss Army's ‘Swissbit' Comes with a 2 GB USB
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Pretty Pocket Protection
Pretty Pocket Protection
Pimped Swiss Army Knife
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Caring Knives
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Luxury Swiss Army USBs
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MP3 Swiss Army Knife
MP3 Swiss Army Knife
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10-in-1 Garden Tool
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Electronic Swiss Army Knife
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Pocketknife Cutlery Holders
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The Wenger Giant Swiss Army Knife
The Wenger Giant Swiss Army Knife
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DIY Swiss Army Keys
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