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Boring Reborn

Evolving beyond weather protection, hip umbrellas illustrate that boring staples ca

Implications - You’ll never forget to bring your umbrella again … especially when you have one that can predict the weather, play music or display digital photos.

These umbrellas demonstrate how everyday objects found in nearly every household can be turned into something that adds extra value, like providing information or entertainment.

There’s huge potential for umbrellas to be used as advertising mediums, particularly when they’re enhanced with eye-catching technologies. In regions where there’s a defined rainy season, you can get a lot of mileage out of “umbrellads”.
Trend Themes
1. Smart Objects - Everyday objects can be turned into something that adds extra value, like providing information or entertainment.
2. Personalization - Quirky umbrellas can be customized to fit individual preferences through downloaded images.
3. Integration of Technology - Umbrellas can incorporate technology to deliver new and exciting features, such as music, weather information, and browsing capabilities.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Retailers can take advantage of opportunities to create and sell umbrellas enhanced with eye-catching technologies.
2. Advertising - There is a potential for umbrellas to be used as advertising mediums, particularly when they have been enhanced with eye-catching technologies.
3. Technology - Companies in the technology sector can integrate everyday objects with up-to-date tech and develop new combinations of gadgets or systems, like wearable technologies and smart home devices.
7 Featured
81,669 Total Clicks
Date Range:
May 06 — Nov 07
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

My Day Electronic Paper Umbrella
My Day Electronic Paper Umbrella
Designed by Hsiao Yong-li, the My Day Electronic Paper Umbrella allows you to select which image you want to project / display on the surface. Use one of the six themes provided or download different… MORE
Umbrella Photo Browser
Umbrella Photo Browser
The Pileus System is an umbrella with a projector and a little wireless computer so you can browse through photos on Flickr, videos on YouTube, etc. "The Pileus System is a mobile tangible browser to… MORE
Non Lethal Umbrella
Stop poking out other people's eyes! That's the goal of the innovative Bumperella concept from RKS Design. Interesting, but I would rather make sure OTHER people have a Bumperella... "The concept for… MORE
Umbrella Predicts Rain
Umbrella Predicts Rain
Ambient Umbrella Gives 12 Hour Warning
This umbrella will tell you when it's going to rain. The Ambient Umbrella receives weather statistics from The handle illuminates 12 hours prior to expected rain, enough time for… MORE
Light Saber Umbrella
Light Saber Umbrella
LED and Rain Protector Together at Last
The light saber umberlla is trendy waterproof rain gear mixed with illuminating LED flashlight in multi-colored handle. You'll be invincible in the rain walking as a Jedi. MORE
Music in the Rain
Music in the Rain
DAP Umbrella
The DAP umbrella is an umbrella with embeded speakers so you can listen to your music in the rain. The only problem with listening to portable music is the fact I am completely oblivious to the rest of… MORE
The Smart Umbrella
The Smart Umbrella
Flashes on Days it Will Rain (So You Don't Forget)
How many times have you left home and only realized you'd forgotten your umbrella just as it started to pour rain? Well, help is on the way with the development of the Ambient Forecasting Umbrella that… MORE
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