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Spirit Reinvention

The world of vodka is providing us with viral examples of beverage reinvention

Implications - As one of the world’s most popular distilled beverages, vodka is a product in which companies must infuse with novelty or superior branding to ensure their product rises above the rest. Innovative packaging, high end additives or unique attributes can help them gain appeal over the masses. These novel vodka beverage ideas represent how an internationally common good can rise above the competition if the right marketing angle or packaging approach is taken.
Trend Themes
1. Personalization of Vodka Packaging - Customized vodka bottles and specialized packaging can help companies to differentiate their products within a crowded vodka market.
2. Incorporation of Non-alcoholic Beverages - Incorporating non-alcoholic beverages, such as energy drinks, into alcoholic cocktails is a trend that appeals to younger, trend-focused consumers.
3. Charitable Alcohol Marketing - Promoting a charitable aspect of a new product or a local area can help build consumer goodwill and drive sales.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverages - The alco-beverage industry has become highly competitive in recent years and companies need to find ways to stand out from the crowd.
2. Food & Beverage Packaging - Specialized packaging can help to differentiate vodka brands and their products and catch the consumer's eye.
3. Luxury Goods - Companies are pushing the limits on what is considered luxury in alcohol, finding new ways to add value and appeal to high-end consumers.
9 Featured
111,749 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Nov 06 — Nov 07

Featured Examples

Energy Vodka
Energy Vodka
P.I.N.K. Vodka is Infused With Caffeine & Guarana
Looking for the ultimate party drink? One that will give you just as big a rush as an energy drink? Then look no further than P.I.N.K. Vodka it's infused with caffeine and guarana (the same stuff that's… MORE
Luxury Liquor Secrets
Luxury Liquor Secrets
Gold Flakes Vodka Has the Midas Touch
French Vodka company, Shaw-Ross Importers, is ready to take the Russian staple to a whole new level of luxury -- by infusing it with real gold! The liquor is a fusion of purified underground spring water,… MORE
Diamond Filtered Vodka
Diamond Filtered Vodka
£540,000 A Bottle
Diva Vodka is triple distilled, filtered through Nordic birch charcoal to purify then passed through a sand of crushed diamonds and gems. Now this is the bit I love - adorning each bottle is an intense… MORE
play_circle_filledSpring Water + Alcohol = Smirnoff Source Looks Like a Bottle of Water
Spring Water + Alcohol = Smirnoff Source Looks Like a Bottle of Water
Packaged to look like bottled water, Smirnoff Source tastes like vodka with a hint of citrus, but is actually a malt beverage. It is being marketed as an alternative to light beers; it is lighter in taste,… MORE
Sparkling Vodka
Sparkling Vodka
The Champagne of Vodkas
A long-waited vodka dream ironically came from England. As some magazines would call it "the champagne of vodkas" the O2 vodka is the world's first sparkling vodka. Produced by the International English… MORE
Booze Yourself Beautiful
Booze Yourself Beautiful
VeeV Acai Spirit
Liquor that is good for you is the latest trend among A-List Celebrities and Veev Spirit is the newest addition to this list. Veev is a 60-proof white spirit that contains the antioxidant fruit, Acai from… MORE
Limited Edition Flavor
Limited Edition Flavor
Absolut New Orleans
Absolut Vodka has released a new flavor (mango with black pepper) to benefit the New Orleans area. All profits (estimated to be around $2 million) will go to five charities along the Gulf coast. The Absolut… MORE
Energy Enhanced Vodka
Energy Enhanced Vodka
The New Vodka & Red Bull
I LOVE Alice Red as it gets round the age-old problem of being tired but not being able to stomach the taste of Red Bull.  This vodka comes with guarana, creatine, d-ribose, and natural caffeine and delivers… MORE
Stuffed Olives
Stuffed Olives
Chopin Vodka Adds Flavour Signature Martinis
If you're wondering how to crank up the luxury in your next martini, Chopin Vodka has created a recipe guide. One of the interesting drink trends they are pushing is the concept of stuffed olives. While… MORE
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