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Glowing Innovation

Designers are adding a glowing touch to their creations for added engagement a

Implications - There are a range of glow in the dark products on the market, from fashion to electronics and home décor. Battery powered yarn, luminescent fabrics and glow in the dark equalizers add appeal to ordinary fashions, particularly among clubbers. Other innovations seen on Trend Hunter include solar-powered fluorescent garden lamps, Yamaha’s glow-in-the-dark scooter, glowing printer paper and light-up night clubs.

Objects that glow, light up or are fluorescent, re-invoke childhood fascinations. By adding illumination, a simple product can be made more desirable.
Trend Themes
1. Glow-in-the-dark - Products that glow in the dark, light up, or are fluorescent continue to reinvoke childhood fascinations, adding illumination, and increasing product desirability.
2. Clean Energy - The use of solar power through innovative products like solar-powered fluorescent garden lamps and solar-powered Glow-in-the-Dark Pebbles has become increasingly popular as consumers look for eco-friendly options.
3. Pop-up Buildings - The current sour economy has impacted the ability of small business owners to lease retail spaces, which has led to the rise of temporary installations like Pop-up Nightclubs that use modular shipping containers making it is easier to open and close a business as needed.
Industry Implications
1. Textiles and Fashion - Incorporating glowing yarn, luminescent fabrics and glow in the dark equalizers in everyday fashion is an opportunity for brands to stand out in a crowded market.
2. Clean Energy - Clean energy is not just about reducing carbon emissions but is also about creating unique products and solutions that benefit both the consumer and the environment, creating avenues for companies to meet these needs and showcase their brands as eco-friendly.
3. Hospitality and Entertainment - The rise of Pop-up Nightclubs using modular shipping containers provides a cost-effective solution for small businesses looking to create one-of-a-kind nightlife experiences without committing to a long-term lease agreement.
7 Featured
89,110 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Sep 06 — Nov 07
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath
Glow in the Dark Bubble Bath
Nerd up your bathtub with glow in the dark bubble bath. It probably doesn't cause cancer. From Latest Buy: You sink into a warm bath, the scent of vanilla and honey wafts through the air, pleasuring… MORE
Neon Glowing Plants
Neon Glowing Plants
Power Your Backyard Party with Takanori Hayakawa's Solar Plant
The solar plant by Takanori Hayakawa will light up your garden or backyard party without using any electricity at all. Totally solar-powered, this little "plant" sits out in the sun all day charging-up.… MORE
Shot In The Dark
Shot In The Dark
Glow-In-The-Dark Shot Glass
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Glow In The Dark Pebbles
Glow In The Dark Pebbles
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Pop-Up Nightclubs
Pop-Up Nightclubs
Located near Berlin's river Spree, Kubik's modular design literally glows in the dark, with dozens of conventional 1000-litre water tanks used to create a temporary installation. On the weekends the tanks… MORE
play_circle_filledGlow-In-The-Dark Scooters
Glow-In-The-Dark Scooters
Yamaha's EC-02 Bike with iPod Dock
Face it, our lives revolve around the iPod. So why not have an electric scooter that glows in the dark and has a dock for the iPod? The Yamaha EC-02 may be the only thing Yamaha will be selling when oil… MORE
Glow In Dark Printer Paper
Glow In Dark Printer Paper
Get Creative With Your Computer
Did you used to have those glow stars on your ceiling? You know the chunky plastic ones, or even worse the paper ones you had to spend hours picking off. Anyway I digress - that is why glow in the dark… MORE
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