Brands offer coloring tools that reflect diverse skin tones
Trend - Brands within the arts are offering coloring products that reflect a variety of skin colors–coming in everything from crayon to marker formats. This shift comes as consumers of all ages increasingly prioritize products that inclusively and accurately reflect their personal experiences.
Insight - A number of factors have influenced today's North American consumer into pushing for products and services that prioritize inclusion. First, demographics in the region are more diverse than ever, and Gen Z is the most ethnically diverse generation of all. This, coupled with this generation's propensity for activism via platforms like social media, has created more conversations around the products and services that are representative of some groups, but exclude others. To receive the attention of consumers, particularly Gen Z and Millennials, brands must now reflect the personal experiences of all their potential customers, rather than a select few.
Insight - A number of factors have influenced today's North American consumer into pushing for products and services that prioritize inclusion. First, demographics in the region are more diverse than ever, and Gen Z is the most ethnically diverse generation of all. This, coupled with this generation's propensity for activism via platforms like social media, has created more conversations around the products and services that are representative of some groups, but exclude others. To receive the attention of consumers, particularly Gen Z and Millennials, brands must now reflect the personal experiences of all their potential customers, rather than a select few.
Workshop Question - How could your brand better prioritize inclusion?
Trend Themes
1. Inclusivity - Consumers are pushing for products and services that prioritize inclusion by catering to a variety of skin colors and ethnicities.
2. Personalization - Companies are creating customized products with unique names and colors that reflect the personal experiences of all their potential customers.
3. Longevity - Markers with refillable and replaceable nibs are gaining popularity, which boosts the longevity of the products and reduces waste.
Industry Implications
1. Arts and Crafts - Offering products that are inclusive and cater to a variety of skin colors can help brands in the arts and crafts industry appeal to a broader customer base.
2. Education - Companies that create inclusive products and run educational programs can make a positive impact on children in schools and encourage diversity in classrooms.
3. Marketing - Incorporating diverse representation in marketing campaigns can attract and retain customers from all backgrounds, particularly Gen Z and Millennials who prioritize inclusivity.