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Nouveau Casino

Traditional forms of gambling are being revamped for younger demographics

Implications - It has been shown that Millennials do not have the same propensity for traditional gambling spaces as their predecessors did, so brands within the industry are responding by updating the process with everything from apps to new technologies like blockchain. With Millennials having grown up in a world in which gratification is instant as opposed to something that requires patience, this new form of gambling is able to cater to their shortened attention spans and discerning tastes.
Workshop Question - How could your brand revamp some of the more traditional aspects of its business?
Trend Themes
1. Skill-based Gambling Games - Traditional casinos are revamping their offerings for millennial consumers by incorporating elements of skill-based mobile games into traditional gambling experiences.
2. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Integration - Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency are being utilized to provide secure and fair payment systems for online gambling and to regulate the industry as a whole.
3. Video Game Gambling Machines - Video game gambling machines combine the immersive gameplay experience of arcade games with the betting and payouts of traditional slot machines in an effort to appeal to younger demographics.
Industry Implications
1. Gambling and Casinos - The gambling and casino industry is adapting to younger demographics by incorporating new technologies and revamping traditional offerings.
2. Cryptocurrency - Cryptocurrency is being used to revolutionize the gambling industry by providing secure and fair payment systems and educating the existing industry on the uses of blockchain technology.
3. Esports and Online Gaming - Esports and online gaming are being integrated with blockchain technology to provide secure and fair contract payment systems for players.
5 Featured, 44 Examples:
61,848 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jan 17 — Apr 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

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Video Game Gambling Machines
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Gaming-Centric Cryptocurrencies
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