Attachable monitoring devices take on excessive alcohol consumption
Implications - Borderline invasive alcohol-monitoring implantations are becoming more common as institutions and brands seek to empower consumers in reducing their intake of such beverages. The use of attachable monitoring chips ensures accountability on the part of consumers seeking to enhance their health or overcome alcoholism, while giving companies in-depth quantifiable information on consumer lifestyle habits as they relate to alcohol intake.
Workshop Question - How can your brand offer easily accessible enhancements to its customers' lifestyles or work habits?
Trend Themes
1. Invasive Monitoring - Attachable monitoring devices are becoming more common as a means to empower consumers to modify their behavior.
2. Transdermal Monitoring - The use of flexible and wearable sensors can provide real-time quantifiable data on consumer health habits and lifestyle.
3. Implantable Alcohol-monitoring - Implantable chip technology with advanced sensors can improve abstinence rates among recovering alcoholics in addiction treatment programs.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - The healthcare industry can leverage these trends for remote patient monitoring and disease management.
2. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can use these technologies to modify certain ingredients to meet health standards and dietary restrictions.
3. Safety and Security - Safety and security-focused industries can use these technologies to enforce policies and mitigate risks in public spaces, such as transportation, entertainment, and education.