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Mood Sensitivity

The outward projection of your feelings in the future

Implications - Technology is often thought of as cold, but the recurrence of mood-sensitive innovations indicates that this may not be the case much longer. Incorporating human emotion in design is becoming a key attribute of new technologies, from emotion-sensitive phones to mood-reactive handbags.
Trend Themes
1. Emotion-sensitive Technology - Innovations that incorporate human emotions in designs are becoming more prevalent.
2. Physiological Sensing - Many mood-sensitive technologies are based on measuring physiological indicators such as heart rate and skin temperature.
3. Sustainable Materials - Eco-friendly materials such as biodegradable cornstarch and sugarcane are being utilized in some mood-sensitive technologies.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics - The incorporation of mood-sensitive technology in electronics such as cellphones and pens presents disruptive innovation opportunities.
2. Fashion Accessories - Mood-reactive handbags and wearable wristbands present opportunities for innovation in the fashion and accessories industry.
3. Home Decor - Incorporating mood-sensitive elements into home decor such as interactive art installations and LED lighting presents opportunities for innovation in the interior design industry.
6 Featured, 1 Examples:
98,421 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 08 — Aug 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Art Coincides With Your Mood
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Emotion-Sensitive Bags
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Emotion-Sensitive Pens
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