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Top 33 Mood Sensitive Technologies

Emotional Futurism

— April 10, 2008 — Unique
When people think of technology, they often think of cold or emotion-less electronics. Judging by the recurring mood-sensitive innovations we've featured, that doesn't look to be the case.

In fact, incorporating human emotion has become a key attribute of a lot of future gadgets, from emotion-sensitive cell phones to clothing that reacts to your moods.

Take a look at the future of your feelings...

Implications - In an increasingly digital age, the focus on technology is astronomical. Consumers appreciate opportunities to personalize their technical experiences through humorous and creative innovations. Mood-sensitive technology is an example of how all businesses can re-think existing innovations in order to incorporate flair and enjoyment.
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Ascertain the Mood of a Room
Ascertain the Mood of a Room
$3,000 SHOJI-System
Robot Psychologist
Robot Psychologist
MindMentor The Future Of Mental Healthcare
Mood Sensitive Design
Mood Sensitive Design
The Mood Bowl Changes Color
KotoHana, a Flower That Shows Your Emotions
KotoHana, a Flower That Shows Your Emotions
Cell Phone Love Detector Service
Cell Phone Love Detector Service
Pimp my Heart
Pimp my Heart
HeartBeat Bass Booster
Robotic Expression
Robotic Expression
Kansei's Face Makes 36 Expressions
New Software Measures Global Shifts in Human Emotion Based on Blogs
New Software Measures Global Shifts in Human Emotion Based on Blogs
Emotion Audio-Prosthesis from Panasonic
Emotion Audio-Prosthesis from Panasonic
Air Purification with Mood Light Therapy (and Style)
Air Purification with Mood Light Therapy (and Style)
The RabbitAir MinusA2
Mood Art
Mood Art
Pictures Persuade You To Feel Good
Dermal Displays
Dermal Displays
Programmable Body Art
Emotional Robots
Emotional Robots
MIT's Nexi
Emotional City Maps
Emotional City Maps
Ambient Orb
Ambient Orb
A Stock Market Mood Ring?
Color Changing Mood Furniture
Color Changing Mood Furniture
Thermochromatic Swamp Collection
Animatronic Apes
Animatronic Apes
“Alive” Chimp Robot Means No Monkey Business
Musical Mood Interiors
Musical Mood Interiors
The White Box by Skloib
Emotion-Sensitive Cell Phones
Emotion-Sensitive Cell Phones
TouchMan Shares Your Feelings Visually
Catty Robots
Catty Robots
Philips' iCat Reacts to Human Interaction
Watches that Monitor Laziness
Watches that Monitor Laziness
Exmocare BT2
Emotion-Sensitive Bags
Emotion-Sensitive Bags
LadyBag Helps the Forgetful
Hasbro iDog Robotic Puppy
Hasbro iDog Robotic Puppy
Vending By Mood
Vending By Mood
Sadness Gets More Ice Cream
Mood Sensitive Architecture
Mood Sensitive Architecture
Emotional Cities
Playmates Toys Interactive Doll: Impress Your Kid: Freak Yourself Out
Playmates Toys Interactive Doll: Impress Your Kid: Freak Yourself Out
Light Up Clothes & Bras II
Light Up Clothes & Bras II
Phillips Lumalive Fashion (Update)
Breath-Controlled Furniture
Breath-Controlled Furniture
Alpha Liege
Electronic Sensing Jewelry
Electronic Sensing Jewelry
Skintile Detects Feelings
Emotion Sensitive Apparel
Emotion Sensitive Apparel
Philips SKIN and the Digital Future
Art Coincides With Your Mood
Art Coincides With Your Mood
MoodSpace by Interactive Art
Light Tattoos & Skin Embossing
Light Tattoos & Skin Embossing
Temporary Body Mods by Kye Ok Kim