Dressing up as anime characters in real life, particularly in Japan
Implications - Animated cartoon (anime) fans are dressing up as these characters not just at costume parties, but in everyday life too. The phenomenon is particularly strong in Japan where it has become known as Cosplay. Niche innovations include doll-like fashions and cartoon contact lenses.
Trend Themes
1. Cosplay Trend - Cosplay is becoming more popular and is creating a subculture centered around dressing up like anime, video game characters, or live action television.
2. Doll-like Fashion Trend - Doll-like fashions are becoming a niche innovation popular among anime and Cosplay fans.
3. Contact Lenses Trend - Contact lenses that create the appearance of bigger, cartoon-like eyes are fast growing in popularity in cosplay culture.
Industry Implications
1. Cosplay Industry - The Cosplay industry is growing as more fans and subcultures emerge.
2. Anime Industry - The anime industry is benefiting from fans dressing up as anime characters as it increases their visibility and exposure.
3. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can take note of the doll-like fashion trend that has emerged from Cosplay and anime culture.