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Freshness Guarantee

Grocery stores feature ripeness-indicators to encourage shrewd shoppers

Implications - As health-conscious consumers veer away from the frozen food isles towards fresh produce, we’re seeing a surge in the desire to be educated on best uses for getting the most out of fresh fruits and vegetables. From solutions that educate shoppers on ripeness to innovations for keeping fruit fresher for longer, grocers are making fresh produce more accessible for everyday consumers, acknowledging spending trends towards investing in personal health as well as high quality products.
Workshop Question - How can you empower consumers as they seek to invest in smarter purchases?
Trend Themes
1. Produce Preservation - Producers are creating new organic products that can preserve produce for two to five times its typical edible shelf life.
2. Non-oxidizing Fruit - Companies are developing new GMO fruits with less of the enzyme that causes browning.
3. Embedded Temperature Sensors - Research institutes like EMPA are creating embedded temperature sensors to monitor fruit shipments in real-time and help reduce food waste.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Agriculture - By utilizing produce-preserving powders and non-oxidizing fruit, the food and agriculture industry can help reduce food waste.
2. Retail - To keep up with health-conscious consumers and their desire for fresh produce, grocery stores are using ripeness-revealing stickers and other solutions to make fresh produce more accessible.
3. Technology - New innovations in embedded temperature sensors demonstrate how technology can better processes of shipping and technology, while also reducing food waste.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
178,184 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Dec 16 — Aug 17
Consumer Insight Topics:

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