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Independent Essential

Gen Z demands additional education, creating new, teen-friendly resources

Implications - The desire for more education on essential, yet under-discussed topics such as sexual health or finance is echoed by both members of Generation Z and their parents alike. Educational resources that are explicitly teen-friendly by way of medium or messaging are manifesting as a result. This solidifies the idea that Generation Z is not a complacent youth generation, but one that thinks deeply about their future and potential success.
Workshop Question - How are you closing the information gap for consumers who are seeking more knowledge?
Trend Themes
1. Youth-centered Education - Generation Z's desire for additional education on essential yet under-discussed topics and their parents' readiness to support this are manifesting as mediums or messaging that explicitly prioritize the teen audience.
2. Gamification of Education - 'Pennybox' and the Assassins Creed Discovery Mode are examples of how edtech companies are looking at making education more interactive and attention-holding by incorporating gaming mechanisms into their products.
3. Interactive Learning Aids - Chatbots like Tinker Bot and the NYC Health & Hospitals campaign are demonstrating how conversational language is being harnessed to help users learn and explore topics more casually, without the need for constant searches.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Edtech companies can utilize these trends to create innovative platforms or products to provide education and training to students and professionals of all ages while satisfying their growing need for flexibility, user-friendliness, interactivity, and personalization.
2. Women's Health and Reproduction - Reproductive rights zines like reprorightszine can be developed to educate women about their reproductive rights, encouraging them to exercise control over their bodies and promote gender equality.
3. Travel and Tourism - Assassins Creed Discovery Mode is a key example of the ways video games, virtual reality, and augmented reality technology can be applied to create unique, safe, and immersive travel experiences that allow people to explore world history and culture in unprecedented ways.
5 Featured, 45 Examples:
75,743 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jul 16 — Feb 18
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