Brands Turn Once-Rare Gluten Restrictions into Accessible Diets
Where gluten-free dieting was once specific to those with celiac disease, it has since become a marketing tool that seeks to convey the health benefits of a multitude of food items. A manifestation of this shift is that gluten-free foods are now offered in convenient, pre-packaged forms. This shift is indicative of consumers' tendency to appreciate marketing-induced fads, without having to expend their energy in seeking them out.
Workshop Question - What is one product or service that your brand markets to a niche demographic? How could you position that product or service to be more convenient and attainable?
Trend Themes
1. Gluten-free Convenience - The shift towards making gluten-free foods more convenient for consumers is indicative of their tendency to appreciate marketing-induced fads, without having to expend their energy in seeking them out.
2. Vegetable-powered Snacks - From the Ground Up introduces a new line of better-for-you snack products powered by vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli, opening up opportunities for healthier options to popular products in their respective categories.
3. Global Grab-and-go - URBANeat's globally inspired grab-and-go sandwiches cater to those with special diets and add convenience to their eating habits.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry has been dramatically impacted by changes in consumer preferences from gluten-free to vegetable-powered snacks.
2. Health and Wellness - These trends show a strong focus on health and wellness, providing opportunities for innovations in healthcare, wellness products, and services.
3. Packaged Foods - These trends reflect a shift towards packaged foods that cater to specific dietary restrictions, indicating opportunities for innovations surrounding packaging, marketing, and distribution of these products.