Food and beverage products become unforgettable with mood-based experiences
Implications - There’s no doubt that eating can fill emotional needs, and brands are beginning to leverage the science behind this to consciously curate culinary experiences based on the consumer’s mood for next-level sensorial immersion. Consumers are starting to find more foods and beverages that match or impact their moods based on their desired effect, a shift in consumption that is directly impacted by the modern desire for complete customization in all areas.
Workshop Question - As consumers become used to increase customization, how can you tailor the experience of your product on a more individualistic level?
Trend Themes
1. Mood-based Experiences - Brands are leveraging the science behind eating to consciously curate culinary experiences based on the consumer’s mood for next-level sensorial immersion.
2. Healthful Food and Beverages - Consumers are seeking more foods and beverages that match or impact their moods based on their desired effect, a shift in consumption that is directly impacted by the modern desire for complete customization in all areas.
3. Functional Foods - Growing interest in healthy living has created room on the market for functional snacks that can be enjoyed guilt-free thanks to the healthful benefits they provide.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The food and beverage industry can explore opportunities to create customized products that cater to the mood-based experiences and healthful food and beverage trends.
2. Wellness - The wellness industry can explore opportunities to integrate the mood-based experiences and functional foods trends into their services and offerings.
3. Travel - The travel industry can explore opportunities to integrate the mood-based experiences trend into their services and offerings to help reduce travel anxiety and stress.