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Sustainable Grocery

Food retailers adopt sustainable practices to showcase eco awareness

Implications - Seeking to showcase a sense of environmental awareness, food retailers and supermarkets are turning to sustainable practices for public appeal. Using recyclable packaging and zero-waste policies to illustrate a commitment to environmental causes, familiar retail settings are taking a more forthright step to showcase participation in green issues. This reflects a growing desire to integrate eco awareness into routine, everyday practices.
Trend Themes
1. Sustainable Packaging - Food retailers and supermarkets are turning to recyclable packaging to showcase eco awareness, offering disruptive innovation opportunities for companies that specialize in eco-friendly packaging solutions.
2. Anti-food Waste - Eliminating food waste has become a growing concern for many grocery stores and companies, leading to disruptive innovation opportunities for anti-food waste apps to help reduce surplus food from being wasted.
3. Discount Programs for Imperfect Products - As consumers demand more natural, preservative-free products, grocery stores are offering discounted pricing for misshapen or almost expired products, leading to disruptive innovation opportunities for companies that specialize in packaging, branding, and selling discounted products.
Industry Implications
1. Packaging Industry - The trend towards using sustainable packaging practices creates opportunities for this industry to market eco-friendly and recyclable packaging solutions.
2. Food Waste Management Industry - Reducing food waste is a growing concern, and thus industries specializing in food surplus management, and anti-food waste apps have a chance to capitalize on this trend.
3. Discounted Grocer Industry - Several discount grocers are making their mark, and this industry is gaining traction as grocery stores find ways to sell their imperfect inventory, along with additional hidden savings provided by the close ties with farmers and local markets.
4 Featured, 33 Examples:
596,333 Total Clicks
Date Range:
May 14 — Dec 15
Consumer Insight Topics:

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