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Minimalist Nutrition

Juice bars are given a stylish overhaul to broaden market appeal

Implications - Marketing nutritional goods, particularly to young consumers, can be a challenge, prompting retailers to turn to modern retail aesthetics for appeal. Adding artistic decor and custom services to places like juice bars, retailers are seeking to reinvent health food stores into more engaging and visually stimulating settings.
Trend Themes
1. Minimalist Nutrition - Minimalist aesthetics is applied to nutritional goods as an attempt to appeal young consumers and bring new visual experiences to health food stores.
2. Apothecary-inspired Juice Shops - Inspired by traditional apothecary stores, juice bars focus on healing and introduce science-inspired packaging to their products.
3. Cold-press Juice Bars - Cold-pressed juicing, a healthier method for preserving nutritional content, gives birth to new juice bars that offer cleansing programs as well as individually sold beverages.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - A new trend calls for transforming traditional food stores into stylish venues that visually attract customers.
2. Nutrition and Wellness - The new trends transform the juice-giving business by shifting focus to healthy, organic products that offer a new, healing experience.
3. Food Preparation and Packaging - Inspired by science and simplicity, juice bar packaging and design is equally important to the quality of the product and the ingredients.
4 Featured, 24 Examples:
562,017 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Aug 14 — Oct 14
Consumer Insight Topics:

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