Consumers are shifting from training the body, to training the mind
Implications - Instead of just focusing on training the body, people are taking increasing interest in training their minds. The rise of the geek has created a status adjustment in how consumers view being intelligent, and when combined with a fear of mental degradation, it's now more important than ever to train your brain. In the end, consumers are now viewing the term healthy as a combination of body and mind.
Trend Themes
1. Cognitive Conditioning - Consumers are shifting from training the body, to training the mind, creating a status adjustment in how consumers view being intelligent, and when combined with a fear of mental degradation, it's now more important than ever to train your brain.
2. Brain-computer Interfaces - With the rise of devices such as the EMOTIV INSIGHT headset, brain-computer interfaces are becoming more commonplace and can be used to optimize brain performance and overall fitness.
3. Language Learning Video Games - Video games like Koe use simplicity in game design to make the process of learning a new language fun and accessible.
Industry Implications
1. Education Technology - EdTech can capitalize on the trend of cognitive conditioning to develop innovative new tools and resources for training the mind.
2. Gaming - The rise of brain-computer interfaces and cognitive training apps presents a huge opportunity for the gaming industry to capitalize on the trend of training the mind.
3. Hospitality - Bars and restaurants can take inspiration from Raising the Bar and create educational drinking experiences that make knowledge more accessible and help to attract new customers.