Organizing and executing athletics is easier with integration of tech
Implications - Heightening efficiency and bringing independent sport to professional levels, athletic tech ensures consumers can get the most out of their part-time sports play while sacrificing nothing from other parts of their lives. Originating in 2012, Athle-Tech has since evolved to include scanning and self-scoring, allowing consumers to gameify progress. Ultimately, consumers aim to move at a fast pace, even during leisure activities.
Trend Themes
1. Athletic Tech - The use of technology to enhance athletic performance and provide tracking mechanisms has gained popularity in the sports industry, paving the way for new innovations such as cutting-edge sports equipment and hi-tech sports balls.
2. Virtual Training Experiences - Immersive virtual training experiences are providing athletes with unique opportunities to train alongside professionals and enhance their skills in a simulated environment, as seen in the Wear the Rose rugby experience.
3. Fitness Apps - Various fitness apps are being developed to track performance data and improve the workout experience, demonstrated by the Flywheel Indoor Cycling app that allows users to manage bookings and track their progress over time.
Industry Implications
1. Sports Equipment - The sports equipment industry can take inspiration from the Athle-Tech trend and develop more high-tech and performance-enhancing products, such as cutting-edge sports equipment and impact-indicating trousers.
2. Virtual Reality - Virtual reality technology is becoming increasingly relevant to the sports industry, providing opportunities for virtual training experiences and immersing fans in the game like never before, as seen in the 'Wear the Rose' rugby experience.
3. Fitness Technology - The fitness technology industry is constantly evolving with the development of more fitness-oriented apps and wearable technology, such as the Flywheel Indoor Cycling app and the 94Fifty Smart Sensor Basketball.