Portable play ensures athletic consumers don't have to compromise
Implications - As the responsibilities of adulthood pile on, consumers have less time to indulge in hobbies in a formal setting. Products that allow for on-the-go playtime satisfy both the need to fulfill duty, and the need for leisure. This duality is something consumers seek in all wares, as consolidating responsibility with enjoyment is difficult in today's fast-paced society.
Trend Themes
1. On-the-go Leisure - Products that allow for on-the-go playtime satisfy both the need to fulfill duty and the need for leisure, offering opportunities to create portable fitness equipment
2. Compact and Portable - Consumers are seeking increasingly compact and portable wares, leading to disruptive innovation opportunities for practical and easily transportable sports equipment
3. Combination Products - Combining leisure and practicality in a single product is a trend that is growing to meet the demands of today's fast-paced society, leading to disruptive innovation opportunities for versatile, dual-use products
Industry Implications
1. Fitness - Portable and practical fitness equipment is an area for innovation and growth, tapping into the on-the-go leisure trend
2. Outdoor Recreation - Combining leisure and practicality in outdoor recreation products allows for easily transportable and multi-use equipment, responding to the growing demand for compact and portable wares
3. Footwear - Innovations in footwear that prioritize portability and practicality meets the demand for compact and versatile products, specifically in the hiking industry