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Branded Float

Culinary brands release limited edition pool floats for summer

Trend - In recent years brands within the food space have prioritized novelty by expanding beyond their classic products with branded pool floats. These products highlight how companies are merging into non-traditional spaces--increasing the online shareability of their brand and strengthening loyalty among Millennial and Gen Z consumers as a result.

Insight - In an era where content is prioritized, Millennial and Gen Z consumers are turning to brands to provide eye-catching, social media-worthy accessories that create a dynamic backdrop for their photos. These products cater to the attention economy and provide a novel way for younger consumers to show their loyalty to brands through their social platforms.
Workshop Question - Consider how your brand could leverage novelty to connect with younger consumers.
Trend Themes
1. Novelty Pool Floats - Brands are expanding beyond their classic products with branded pool floats to increase the online shareability of their brand and strengthen loyalty among Millennial and Gen Z consumers
2. Content as Priority - Younger consumers are turning to brands to provide eye-catching, social media-worthy accessories that create a dynamic backdrop for their photos.
3. Unorthodox Product Offerings - QSR brands continue to offer unorthodox, non-food related products to uphold their off-beat personality and sustain customer engagement.
Industry Implications
1. Food Industry - Food brands are prioritizing novelty by expanding beyond their traditional products with quirky merchandising, eye-catching and Instagram-friendly accessories to catch customer attention.
2. Retail Industry - Retail brands can tap into the trend of creating branded merchandise, capitalize on novelty pool floats and other unconventional merchandising to expand their offerings beyond their usual product lines.
3. Marketing Industry - Marketers can take advantage of unorthodox product offerings and capitalise on hashtags and viral social media content to grow the online shareability of a brand.
4 Featured, 27 Examples:
106,007 Total Clicks
Date Range:
May 18 — May 19
Consumer Insight Topics:

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